MediaLAB Amsterdam is now the Digital Society School! You are viewing an archive of MediaLAB projects. Content on this website may be outdated, and is without guarantee.

Games 4 Therapy

Keep It! Is an iPhone application, that attempts to in a playful way fight against harmful thoughts of people that are recovering from a psychosis, in situations with lots of stimuli.

The application helps the users to structure their thoughts, creating a mind map, and tries to re-orientate the user on a more positive/healthy way of thinking by providing him questions and messages that he can answer writing a note, or just thinking about it. The mood and intensity of the thought (pattern) that is bothering the user is actively portrayed in the interface of the app in order to make the actual process more playful; the user needs to make a color bar, that is representing the bothering thought, disappear from the back of the screen.

Keep It! Is an application in development. The usability still requires further collaboration with mental health professionals. The project has been created by designers and any of the assumptions that the project proposes should be taken only as ideas to be tested.

Contact person: project coach Marco van Hout

Amsterdam Hackable Metropolis

The idea of hackable city making is to involve citizens in the process of the development of the city. With Fietsersbond Herontwerp, citizens can actively participate in the process of redesigning the streets. This tool makes it possible for cyclists to hack the design proposals of the municipality and collaboratively create the best solutions for local traffic situations.

Contact person: Margreet Riphagen

Onderwijsconferentie 2014

The MediaLAB provided this year’s visual design of the education conference. The theme of the conference was Excellence. MediaLAB created engagement among students and staff to think about this topic, and join the conversations around the conference.

Preceding the conference, participants(students and staff) were challenged to excite their excellence; to be engaged in excellence-promoting, self-improvement activities, and experience what “excellence” might mean for employees and students. These activities generated a very large variety of possible perspectives of the discussion, even the more unorthodox. Small challenges – to be executed in between regular work and study tasks – were posted to a Facebook group. Such as: “Find an item you are planning to throw away and repurpose it for your (grand)parents’ home.” These challenges call upon participants to step outside their comfort zone in surprising ways, and to show in which ways they are able to self-consciously engage with the theme of excellence.

The challenges are based on the five profile attributes HvA has described as characteristics of excellence; interdisciplinary teamwork, innovativity, craftsmanship, drivenness and reflective ability.

Participants were asked to document their experiences through reports, photos, videos, gifs etc. This documentation was used as input to visually support the morning session of the conference and to collect stimulating quotes from the HvA population to show the breadth and depth of opinions that live across the organisation.

During the conference, the MediaLAB set up a photo booth and presentation of the clashes raises at the entrance of Carré. In the photo booth the visitors got a chance to capture their own vision of excellence on film to be shown upon entrance to the theater.

For pictures of the conference click here