MediaLAB Amsterdam is now the Digital Society School! You are viewing an archive of MediaLAB projects. Content on this website may be outdated, and is without guarantee.

Ryo Shirai (JP)

With a background in anthropology, I like to think and create people’s new behavior, manners and sense of value for the future through research and design. I enjoy encountering people and culture different from my every day lives.

Willem Duijvelshoff (NL)

This year I’m finishing my BA in Digital Media with a minor in Information Science. My internship was in the field of tech journalism, and in my articles I reflected on digital innovation and its societal implications. Besides that I love to cook, meditate and spend hours reading obscure blogs about technology.

Joan Domingo Riu (ES)

My name is Joan Domingo Riu. I am a Geographer and Urban Planner from Barcelona, learning from the Dutch experience in Amsterdam. Here in MediaLab, I will be working in the project Smart citizens and sustainability. I want to make cities better places to live, adapted to people’s needs, and environmental friendly.