MediaLAB Amsterdam is now the Digital Society School! You are viewing an archive of MediaLAB projects. Content on this website may be outdated, and is without guarantee.

Interactive projection at Trouw

For the second projection ever of the MediaLAB Amsterdam, a small team of students worked with creative producer Jan Scholte and project manager Gijs Gootjes to produce an interactive projection for the museum night of Amsterdam in 2009.
Content was provided by a number of promising students from Dutch art and design academies, and the technical partner for this project was Amsterdam based PhantaVision.
They designed a two way app for a 3D Urban Projection partly it’s a canvas for animation designed for this particular facade, part the facade is a synthesizer, and it can be played interactively by the people lining up to get in Club TrouwAmsterdam.

Play it Forward World

The aim of this project was to develop a viral campaign concept to trigger other students to become a Player (member) of Play it Forward. Play it Forward’s (Pifworld) primary objective is to be the trusted and independent online platform for good causes, connecting people and non-profit organizations worldwide. The online platform is transparent, open en offers a unique way for institutions and individuals to support good causes. The concept and its manifestation in the Pifworld platform are in itself viral by nature: it’s a social network. To further stimulate the viral spread of PiF, we MediaLAB students will set up an online viral campaign to expand the amount of ambassadors and players in Pifworld. The goal is to have 10.000 Player registrations and a similar number of donations.