MediaLAB Amsterdam is now the Digital Society School! You are viewing an archive of MediaLAB projects. Content on this website may be outdated, and is without guarantee.

Kazumitsu Yoshida (JP)

I am a branding designer and a nursery teacher. I have worked at Ad agency for 19years as a creative director. I am curious about a design thinking and  education for children. In a near future I would like to provide the service design and integrated solution for make a better communication ,market and branding through these experiences.

Grace Houghton (AU)

I am an Australian designer researching the effectiveness UX and design principles in creating civic engagement. I am completing a Masters of Interaction Design and I hope to use the methods I have learnt there and at MediaLab to design experiences that make people feel happy, safe and in control of their environment.

Sangeeta van Beemen (NL)

I am looking to combine social innovation with beautiful and functional design. I started in London at the art academy. Made my way to Amsterdam to study Fashion and Branding and am currently in the last phase of my Media and Culture bachelors’ degree, at the University of Amsterdam.