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AUAS and UN connect cities of the world with the Global Goals Jam


#GlobalGoalsJam – 15 + 16 September 2017


MediaLAB Amsterdam, part of Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS), together with the United Nations (United Nations Development Programme) is organising the Global Goals Jam on 15 and 16 September. During this two-day international event, creative designers and makers in forty world cities will work towards a better world.


The initiative for this simultaneous event was taken by MediaLAB Amsterdam and it will be coordinated from this capital city. Input from students and companies is important for the success of the Jam. Many teams will be working on ideas to help achieve global goals for a sustainable world. Less talk, more action, is the maxim.


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the human development agency of the United Nations (UN), drafted a worldwide sustainability agenda in 2015 out of which seventeen concrete goals were distilled. Achieving these goals would lead to a better world in 2030. During this Global Goals Jam five of these goals will be addressed. The designers must come up with suggestions to lessen poverty and hunger in the world. “Our partnership with MediaLAB Amsterdam in the Global Goals Jam facilitates a way to take real action”, according to Boaz Paldi, Global Engagement Manager of the UNDP. “People all over the world can see and learn from each other’s work, as well as provide inputs across borders to create a global design community for the Global Goals.”


Jam Kit

“The Global Goals Jam ensures AUAS and the UN have a really strong international network of designers and makers who are all digitally connected with each other”, says Marco van Hout, of MediaLAB Amsterdam and initiator of the Jam. “This year about 1200 people in forty cities will use the Jam Kit we have developed to help achieve the goals of the UN.” This so-called Global Goals Jam Kit is a kit that contains tools to help with design challenges. For example, there are exercises that guide designers in contemplating world problems.


International Meetings and Presentations

The best ideas and products from the Jams across the world will be presented to experts in disciplines associated with improving our world. They will also be presented during the Social Good Summit in September in New York City and at the EDIT design expo in September/October in Toronto.


The Global Goals Jam was initiated by MediaLAB Amsterdam, part of the Faculty of Digital Media and Creative Industries of AUAS.

 See also: