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Employee Journey


KLM team


Freddy Ramaker

Vibhor Chopra

Eva van Kempen

Saskia Doets




New sprint, new goal

Hi guys,

It’s a new sprint and so we’ve created a new goal! This sprint we’ll be focusing on: making a presentable analysis of the needs of the team leader within the scope of repeatable activities and incidents.

This means that we will have a closer look at:

  • What are the main tasks of the team leaders? (Their job description is a little bit fuzzy and they aren’t all on the same page about it, so it’s good to have a look at that).
  • What do we believe that their main tasks should be?
  • Review/analyze all the data we’ve got so far
  • Look at other companies with similar (team leader) roles
  • Motivate our choices for the scope. Motivating our choices isn’t just to show KLM why we chose the topics that we’ve chose but also for ourselves. It’s always good to have a critical look on why you’re doing what you’re doing.



Look at us, all excited to get started!


The islands

The last two weeks we didn’t focus on collecting data but on analyzing the data that we already have. We did this because we’ve noticed that we were just collecting more and more data but we didn’t process the data that we collected properly to draw compelling conclusions from them.

So this meant, analyzing the islands (topics) that we’ve talked about last time. We’ve looked into methods that could help us grade all the different islands so we could have a quick look about what topics are most important for us to focus on during the next couple of sprints. The goal of this is to narrow the scope of our project down, at this moment we’re still working on a very broad view but it’s impossible to look more detailed into all the topics that we’ve collected so far so we have to make decisions on what to focus on.


Here is our poster with all the different islands on them and then on the top you can see the beginning of our grading process. We will be discussing the highest graded topics with KLM to come to an agreement on the focus for our next sprint.


We’ve also took a closer look on the job functionalities of the team leader. In one of our first weeks at the mediaLAB we did an online survey among team leaders about what they believe that their job functionalities are, we also interviewed three team leaders and we did two shadowing sessions of a team leader. So by putting all this collected data together we hopefully have a pretty clear view on what the main tasks of a team leader are and what they should be. In the end we want to create a team leader journey that shows what a team leader does from the moment they step into their office until the moment they leave.

So as you can read, no meetings with KLM this sprint, so far, but we’ve got a shadowing session of a gate agent and an interview with a team leader scheduled next week!
We should get back to work! We’ll talk again soon!
Team KLM


Putting everything into retrospective

Hi guys,

today we had our first review session at the KLM Convair building! This was our chance to show our KLM contacts what we’ve been doing during the first three weeks at the mediaLAB!


*Here you see Saskia presenting our first findings.

The main focus of our first sprint was to figure out what kind of information the teamleaders need in the application, since we are making an app that should help the teamleaders getting a broader view of all the processes going on around the gate. We’ve used multiple methods to help us find out what the problems are that they are facing, what information they need to deal with these problems, what information they miss at this moment and why they believe an app could help them with these processes. The methods that we’ve used were:

A fishbone diagram that identifies possible problems.



A stakeholders map to have a look on all the parties involved. We’ve used all the abbreviations that KLM uses as well so it might be a bit hard for you guys to understand this map. But to give you a short insight, the operational triangle exists out of:

DAM: Duty Area Manager

Gate Agent

and TLA: Team Leader Apron

All these people are of huge importance on all the processes regarding the gate and the boarding starting on time but our main focus during this project will be TLP, Team Leader Passage.



Next to that we’ve also done a survey. We have received 20 responses on the survey so far, 16 from teamleaders and 4 from gate agents. The survey was all about finding out what the teamleaders find important, what goes wrong and how we can positively influence them and the processes regarding the boarding process.


*All the quotes in the survey and presentation are in Dutch since all the participants filled the survey in in Dutch and we didn’t want to change the meaning of their comments while trying to translate them.

Last but not least we’ve also made mindmaps of possible solutions to the problems that the teamleaders face.


So as you can see, we’ve been really really busy the last three weeks because we wanted to make a good impression on our KLM contacts! Thankfully they were as enthusiastic about our project as we are!

We’ll talk again next week!

Visit to KLM

Slack for iOS UploadYesterday, Monday the 22nd of February, we had our second visit at the KLM office at Schiphol. After the first visit, a week ago, we were still a little bit unsure about what the scope of the project, more specific the scope of the first sprint, would be. But after our second visit we are happy to inform you that; things are becoming more clear! We visited terminal F, had a look at the HUB control center and talked to a shift agent and a gate agent as well as  to our contact Martine. The people that we spoke to on Monday really helped us to clear our view on the scope.

For the next couple of weeks we will be focussing on finding a way to get information across in realtime, making the (desktop) apps more accessible to the staff and trying to put all information that they are now getting from different kind of apps and sites into one big app. We want to provide the staff with an app that gives them an overview of everything that is going on surrounding the gate.


A realtime app with a total overview of everything that is going on will hopefully make these portophones and all the heaps of paper with passengers info unnecessary.

Slack for iOS Upload kopie

Here the passengers can print their own boarding passes.