MediaLAB Amsterdam is now the Digital Society School! You are viewing an archive of MediaLAB projects. Content on this website may be outdated, and is without guarantee.



Almar Mulder
Jeffrey Gyamfi
Dymphie Burger

Commissioner: Amsterdam Rainproof


The risk of local floodings due to heavy rains is increasing in the Netherlands. How can we encourage and engage citizens to take action? Together with Amsterdam Rainproof, an Amsterdam based collective for sustainable water management, we will design solutions and gain awareness for this issue.

Research paper

For everybody who’s interested, we wrote a research paper about the influence of gamification on awareness about natural hazards.

The research paper is still in its concept phase, so it will be improved during the next sprint.

For everybody who is interested you can read it here .


Raincatchers movement is there! And take our survey.

“In sociology, a group action is a situation, in which a number of agents take action simultaneously, in order to achieve a common goal. Group action will often take place when social agents realize they are more likely to achieve their goal when acting together, rather than individually.”


This little text explains exactly what we are trying to develop right now. We need your help, so, read carefully and join us!

As you know, we are working on creating awareness about heavy rainfall since a couple of months ago. After doing some research and talking to many stakeholders, our team thinks that creating a movement is actually a really interesting step.

To take care of your properties and protect them against heavy rainfall in a city like Amsterdam, is easier as you think, like we have shown you before, so now we would like to go further!

The platform we are creating is called Raincatchers, and the main goal is to connect citizens, companies and different kind of agents to create more value about this topic. How? So easy!

You, as a citizen of Amsterdam! This platform will give you the option to share your knowledge about prevention measures against floods, receiving feedback and having the chance to know about existing resources to develop your idea.

You, as a company! You will have the option of supporting this network through different services we will offer you.

Of course, actually we are doing interviews to go on with this idea and become it viable and useful for everyone. Taking as a base this idea we are sharing with you in this post, we will start analysing the received feedback to know better your needs, lacks and wishes.

So to conclude, don’t hesitate to join our Facebook group Raincatchers, and lets start moving all together to become Amsterdam a safe city against heavy rains and climate changing.

Here is the survey in case of being curious about what kind of things we would like to know from you. There is in English and also in Dutch, and you can send the answers to: or THANK YOU!

If you also want to join the movement, join on Raincatchers

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Innovation Expo

Today, we went to the innovation expo in Amsterdam Noord. Innovation expo is an event where companies, governmental institutions and knowledge institutes meet and present their work.The innovation expo started as the Club van Maarssen in 2005. Eleven years later it is a biennial event and the network consists of 4000 engaged citizens, policy makers, entrepreneurs and academics.


It was held on the former research and development terrain of Shell, Overhoeks, which is now an under construction neighbourhood. The Overhoeks terrain will be one of Amsterdam’s most sustainable and innovative neighbourhoods.

The innovation expo was was divided in several areas, a food, livability and health area, a water area (for the Dutch water topsector), a mobility and infrastructure area, energy and resources area, big data and sensors area and a built environment area. Our partner in this project, Amsterdam Rainproof, had a stand at the built environment area. At their stand there were start ups, governmental institutions and companies who all had innovative ideas about how to use the space in the city for urban agriculture, making the city greener, the circular economy and how to use rainwater or contaminated water.

The stand of Amsterdam Rainproof at the Innovation Expo.

The stand of Amsterdam Rainproof at the Innovation Expo (© Amsterdam Rainproof).

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Rainproof occupying the MediaLAB! – the Office tour

Ok, we are not totally occupying the office, only for four days a week, and only one corner. However, we will try to put our concepts on all our walls to create the “rainproof” corner in the MediaLAB office.  So we will give you a quick tour through the office and our newly developed concepts.

We are, as you might know at the Amstelcampus of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences). We work in the Studio, a small office where the master Urban Management, the minor Entrepeneurship and the MediaLAB Amsterdam are situtated. We always work in one corner of the office, next to the ESA (European Space Agency) team.

At the back you might see some posters hanging on the walls, those are our newly developed concepts. Read more

The first results…

Long time no see! Time to update you on our progress. The past three weeks we have been working on our first goal, getting to know the subject and defining the aim of our project. We divided this according to the scrum method, into many sub goals and tasks. This would make us able to work without sub deadlines in our first sprint. We worked at both te studio at the HvA and at Pakhuis de Zwijger, where Amsterdam Rainproof has an office.

During this sprint we met some of our possible partners, we went to Amsterdam Rainproof and we talked with researchers from HvA, from the citizen data lab. There is another group from the HvA that is doing a project to create a green roof on one of the buildings on the campus, that also engages the students.

During our translate session, it became clear that we wanted to make an infographic, that showed the seriousness of the topic and combined climate change trends and water management problems all in one. We visualised all the data we found and created the following infographic. Read more

User scene assignment

In the first week of our project we got to know each other’s abilities by doing a user scene assignment. Within three days, we defined a target group after doing some research and we made a small video, that we presented on Tuesday. The video can also be found on the MediaLAB youtube channel.

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