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Final sprint: bringing it all together

Week 1

We start the week off with a delicious lunch from our DSS coaches!

Burak works on the functionality of the prediction part of the app so attendees of the expo can actually interact with it. We speak with Wouter about the possible streamer or shout caster from eMense to work at the expo, and with Nico from eMense about the live scraping possibilities for Cs:GO streams to help our data driven prediction system. Robbert also sends the OnLive developer plugin application to combine with the ‘before’ steps of our prediction app.

Our very last sprint planning

The coaches of DSS and Evelien work hard to try and hire a designer for us for around 24 hours to help us with designing the app logo, expo poster and tickets for the expo.

On Tuesday, we had a DSS photoshoot at the EYE museum. We couldn’t have chosen a hotter day but it was a really nice change of pace! Christine felt like a sun-dried tomato afterwards. Don’t forget to hydrate these days folks.

The photoshoot was a bit conceptual. Who works on tech in the scalding sun?

The results were really good!

Week 2

Christiaan from Rotterdam was hired for a few days to help us design expo materials. Everyone has their own tasks that they fulfill during the week. Christine provides the descriptions for Christiaan’s visuals, Burak adds the finishing touches to the Hexagon app and Rizal starts experimenting with the video. The contents of the expo are also discussed further.

Designer Christiaan has been gracing us with his presence this week

A director at work

Week 3

Christiaan joins us once again on Monday to help with the final touches. He designed a ton of stuff for us:

  • Hexagon logo
  • Research Poster
  • Customer Journey map of the esports attendees and the online watchers
  • Tickets
  • Promotion banner
  • Improved design of the Hexagon app

Thank you so much Christiaan!

We run a few tests with the app using our DSS colleagues as guinea pigs 🙂

We wrap this sprint up with our final partner meeting. Some final feedback for the expo preparation is given. Now on to the final days before the expo!

Sprint 5: Prediction App testing!

As we chose to go with the prediction app the previous sprint, this sprint is going to focus on making the prediction part intractable and test them with people that consider themselves gamers. Luckily, Rizal is back again with a minor hand injury. Good to have you back Rizal!

Week 1

On Monday, the sprint planning and our goals are discussed with Evelien. We decide on the must-haves: meeting up with Robbert, making the prediction part operational and link our research to the choices we made for the prediction app.

We buy a pre-made app-package. The style is somewhat futuristic but in a simple mobile app-like style. However, as the file is an illustrator file and the programmers don’t have a lot of experience of that, it takes a bit more time remaking the app with the new style.

Christine begins finalizing the final paper for the project.

On Tuesday we meet up with Robbert and talk about the possibilities of using OnLive in combination with our prediction app. Especially the first part with the several steps for team-forming can be eliminated with OnLive. The teams can be formed with the people physically present on the event when using the OnLive technology.

As we got vacation days on Thursday and Friday, this was a rather short week.

Week 2

Burak makes the web page and starts on the back-end programming for the prediction part of the app while Rizal makes a few user cases for the testing group and factors we should pay attention to when testing.

We have a translate session on Tuesday with Wouter about the Data Driven aspect of our concept. We also decide to start organizing actively for the expo in the final sprint.

On Wednesday we start testing our prototype! First off, we use three gamers at MediaLAB to test the online version of the predicting app, using 15 minutes of a CS:GO stream. We see that the chatting aspect during the predicting forms quite a big pain, as you only have 20 seconds to make your bet, so we remove that function and decide to let the users each predict their own guesses. In the end, the points will then be combined for the team. This way, you just need to focus on the predicting part and not also discuss with each other.

After the testing in MediaLAB, we head out to the IT section of HvA to find gamers there. We test the offline version with 5 people that we divide into two teams. The students are quite enthusiastic and say that they would be interested in playing such a predicting game during an esports event. However, one thing that stands out again is the lack of interaction during the predicting, as everyone is still just predicting for themselves. We are not worried that this is going to be a big problem though, as the final points are still a team effort and a minimum amount of interaction is needed for that. You need to decide with your team which award to pick up after all!

Week 3

We try to revise the design of the app with the feedback of coach Felipe and DSS colleague Nour. It was noticeable that we are missing a designer, but we try to make the app as user friendly and pretty as possible.

We also start planning for the set up of the expo on the 20th. The idea is to simulate an esports event in a really small format so we can show the functionality of our prediction app. Event aspects like tickets and pamphlets will be made. We will need three stands, one to simulate the ‘online’ watchers, one for the streamer to play Cs:GO in and the ‘offline’ attendees to watch. Both these stands will be accessible to the expo attendees and pairs of two will be able to play the app. 7 android phones, two gaming laptops and a tv screen have been reserved for our stand.

Rizal makes 3d visualization on SketchUp of how we want our stands to look like.

On Thursday morning we have the sprint review at ExMachina. Jeroen and Ronald from ExMachina, Wouter from eMense, and Freek from TNO all attend the meeting. Robbert also manages to attend through video chat. We discuss several important points to take with us for the final sprint. The data driven values of the stakeholders need to be incorporated more clearly into the final prediction app functions. Wouter stresses again that we need to show clearly on the expo not just the application itself, but what we did and why to reach these final decisions for the app. A lot needs to be done, but the motivation level is higher than ever!

And so begins the final sprint..

Sprint 4: Working out prototypes

Week 1

Burak improves the Aim website while Rizal tinkers with the NFC Tags that Tamara got for us.

Christine puts together a workshop with around 10 students from an ICT Fontys university in Tilburg. She presents there on Wednesday while Burak makes notes about the answers of the focus group. The following structure is used:

-Check-in and energizer (Hello Kitty). It helps with loosening up the group and starting off fresh.

-Dark side from the Design method toolkit of DSS with the question “how would you make your event experience as bad as possible” and make the focus group solve their answers.

-Presentation explaining about our project and our prototypes. We intentionally don’t explain much about our project beforehand, so the focus group can be as creative as possible when working with the dark side. We ask them about their thoughts on the prototypes: what could be better, what is already good, what are your recommendations?

Using the DSS toolkit for the focus group

Some interesting findings from the focus group are about how it agrees with the answers to the questionnaire we previously sent out. For example, much like regular professional sports, people aren’t interested in going to an event if their team isn’t playing. And a lot of them are not aware of all the side events happening during an esports event and are thus not interested in going.

We also met up with Wouter from eMense to see if there were any near events happening that we could attend and test our working prototype on, but sadly the closest event would be in the summer. Wouter did provide us with pictures of the Bright Day Winter finals of which we could understand the kind of aesthetics and mood such an event has.


In the weekend there’s an Hackathon that’s put together by our coach Evelien. Burak, Rizal and Casper participate.

A total of about 12 people attend this event. Early in the morning Wouter starts with an introduction about the DSS and the ‘meer profijt uit data’ project, and how it is connected to the hackathon. Right after, Rutger continues with an introduction on the hackathon, and the teams introduce themselves to each other.

The goal of the Hackathon is to come up with a way of interaction which we can implement in the Bulbagarden stream that takes place in these two days (provided by Martijn, Dylan and friends). The ‘research’ questions provided are:

  • There is too much happening in the chat, how to keep a good overview?
  • I don’t know who is watching my stream, what are their interests?
  • What would my viewers like to see?
  • How much do my viewers know about the game?

Based on these questions, each team creates a prototype which they have to pitch on sunday. Each prototype differs a lot from each other, which shows that there can be many ways of interacting during a livestream.

Burak wins the Hackathon with his team! They made an application with smart click map technology where you can see how many times each button has been pushed:


Week 2

We have a meeting with Jeroen on Monday morning to talk about their WinView techniques and get feedback on our prototypes. Ronald from ExMachina who was also a judge during the Hackathon joins for the meeting as he will be working together with us. We decide to elaborate on the web application of the prediction app for this sprint, as the focus group of the first week and the results from the questionnaire indicate that this kind of app would seem like the most fun one for gamers.

We have an improv workshop on Tuesday with Jim and Willy. They want to bring more fun into workspaces and create a positive environment for the people working, which in turn makes people more productive. It gives the MediaLAB team the much needed lightness and distraction and provides us with new energy.

On Wednesday we have a translate session with Evelien and Felipe. Evelien reminds us on the values of the whole project, and that we should keep the purpose of the concept in mind throughout our whole prototyping process. Felipe also gives us a lot of useful suggestions and feedback. For the rest of the week, we brainstorm together on how to improve and change the concept of the prediction app and make prototypes out of them. We take entertainment as the main purpose of the app, which we divide in the following categories:

  • Interactive
  • Online community
  • Offline community
  • Before, during and after
  • (friendly) Competitiveness

We work with paper wireframes afterwards to go through the concept step by step again. A lot of options are proposed, but sadly, a lot of darlings had to be killed too 🙁

These wireframes were really useful for helping us getting back on track

Week 3

Casper can sadly only work parttime on the project from now on and Rizal has a (small) traffic accident, so sadly this week we came two people short. However, as the concept has already been worked out, the only important thing that needs to be done now is for Burak to visualize the prediction app digitally on Sketch. We have some useful peer feedback on Wednesday, and have the sprint review with our stakeholders on Thursday in the ArenA again. All the stakeholders have useful tips and feedback to help us:

ExMachina: Ronald from ExMachina attends the sprint review this time. We can arrange a meeting with ExMachina in the next sprint to talk more in detail about their WinView app, which inspired our prediction prototype in the first place.

RSNewMedia: Robbert proposes a collaboration between the prediction app and OnLive, which enables the prediction app to eliminate a few steps for the event attendees to go through when they make their teams. Because OnLive is location-based, when attendees walk into the area, teams could be automatically formed.

eMense: Wouter tells about the three esports games eMense is going to host in the ArenA this year: League of Legends, Cs:GO and Rocket League. He says eMense might be able to have one of their streamers come for the final expo.

And so we enter our second to final sprint. Lots of ideas, lots of potential to work with!

Sprint 3: Getting out there

Kicking the sprint off with a hero

Week 1

We have guests! Two experts from the design faculty of Politecnico di Torino in Italy, Fabrizio Valpreda and Paolo Tamborrini. They are going to guide us this week in a mini sprint.

The first day, they introduce us to their design faculty. They tell us about the projects they have worked on and the way they work. It is then time for us to start working with their method of getting to know the problem. We need to do a holistic research on esport events that have passed and explore everything about and around them: the width, location, nearby facilities, visitors etc.

The very first problem we already stumble upon is the fact that we don’t have any hands-on experience; Rizal has attended a few esport events before MediaLAB started, but since the start of our project, nobody has attended one. However, we are currently planning an event to be held at the MediaLAB building. It’s not quite the same, but it’s a nice alternative.

Joao from team Synergy made an inspirational drawing

Fabrizio and Paolo still advise us to do some research on other events such as the recent ESL One event held at Katowice in November. Rizal and Burak each made their own customer journey map based on personal experience.

We have another collective meeting with Fabrizio and Paolo and decide that Rizal’s customer journey map should be elaborated on.

The customer journey map is also part of DDS’ Design Method Toolkit!

In the evening, team Aim pays another visit to Esports Game Arena. They have an esport event of the currently popular shooter game Fortnite going on where everyone could sign up for. Rizal, Burak and Casper (and tag-along Lisa from team H&T) participate in the game. Christine meanwhile sits on the sideline sipping on wine and observing the attendees.

Thank you Rizal for always driving us to far places!

We got 3rd place in the end! Out of 5..

The next morning, we make a presentation based on the following guidelines:

Slide 1: team introduction

Slide 2: analysis of the scenario/project

Slide 3: analysis on the involved tools and users

Slide 4: case studies

Slide 5: ingredients: which kind of users and what parts will we work on?

Slide 6: summary of our ideas and concepts

All the teams gather for one final meeting with Fabrizio and Paolo to show the end results

From this minisprint we looked at our problem from a different perspective and got a nice customer experience map out of it. We also learned some new methods from Fabrizio and Paolo. We are thankful for this opportunity!

Week 2

The whole group gathers around and starts brainstorming for concepts this week. We spend a whole day going back and forth with ideas and decide to work out the best ones.

We meet up with Robbert to talk about the developments around OnLive. We also tell him about our progress and he helps us with brainstorming and shares some thoughts on our newly made concepts.

Tamara joins us for the translate session together with Evelien and Wouter. We present 5 concepts. It is recommended to us that we assess all the strong points from these concepts and see how those can strengthen each other.

Watch out for the Underpants Gnomes

Week 3

We merge a few ideas together and end up with 3 big concepts. We make prototypes for them and present them in the sprint review on Thursday in the Amsterdam ArenA, now officially called the Johan Cruijff ArenA. Zlatina, a teaching method developer joins us for today to see how a sprint review at MediaLAB works so she can take that into account when she helps MediaLAB turn into DSS.

Freek shows us around the ArenA afterwards. Pretty cool!

A summary of the sprint review:

For today’s presentation, team Aim talked about what they did for this sprint. They created visual User Experience maps for the online and offline audience during the before, during and after experience of an esport event based on face-to-face interviews and personal experience. A few results of the questionnaire were used as base for the concepts Aim has elaborated upon. Three final concepts were presented together with their prototypes, which will be described shortly:

-Predicting Game
42% of the answers on the questionnaires indicated that they wouldn’t go to an event because it might be boring. They want to participate in games themselves too during such an event. This concept is similar to ExMachina’s WinView, where you can predict which esports team might win and earn points that way. At the end of the event, you can exchange those points for goods.

-NFC Tags
Poles are placed in the event area that the attendees can interact with with a card they receive upon arriving at the event. It depends heavily on the venue and might be expensive. Freek gave the suggestion of making it a digital kind of NFC Tag that is AR-based.

-Smart Click Map game
Like the game ‘petje op, petje af’, attendees at the event get asked questions like ‘do you prefer dogs or cats?’ and should go to either the left or the right side accordingly. This is livestreamed on Twitch so the online players can also participate with their computer mice. The attendees at the event can then in turn see on a big screen what the online audience thinks.
Aim’s prototype:

All of the concepts contain in some way or another the following points:
-Online/offline interaction
-Community forming
-Data Driven

If you are interested in a specific concept, please let team Aim now and they will provide a more elaborate description.

One of the problems Freek noticed about the concepts were that the before and after experience surrounding the event weren’t incorporated as much and didn’t benefit the whole event journey of the customer. Robbert noted that the concepts weren’t esports specific, while that’s an area full of potential. It’s a very specific community that comes together and Aim should look more into the needs of those users and their specific mindset.

So for the next sprint, Aim needs to take those points into account when they work their concepts out. A focus group will be held where the specific mindset of esports-interested gamers will be analysed further. They also should start thinking of what kinds of data they would want to collect in their concepts for the data driven loop. Team Aim is also going to work on improving and prototyping their concepts. They want to arrange a meeting with Wouter from eMense to learn more about event planning, as Aim wants to plan their own event. They also want to meet up with Jeroen or Bastiaan from ExMachina to discuss their WinView and Smart Click Map information and technology.


Help us with our questionnaire!

Help! the avg/gdpr is coming!

Here at mediaLAB/DSS, it’s our teams aim to create new digital interactive esport concepts that stay at the edge of innovation through a data-driven business model. This to the benefit of the users and the stakeholders who make the service possible. But how will the GDPR affect data-driven business models and does it apply to student research project? Spoiler: it applies to everyone. 

Casper attended a workshop hosted by Media Perspectives to gain a better understanding of how we may use data under the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) better known as ” the new (super) privacy law” that will go in to effect on the 25th of may.

media perspectives - gdpr workshop

What is the GDPR?

laymen’s terms: It protects the data of EU citizens/residents and keeps any individual or company from harvesting data without sufficient legal ground. Power to the people.

Not laymen’s terms: The General Data Protection Regulation is an EU law on the protection of data and privacy for all individuals that reside within the European Union. It addresses what (personal) data is, when you may ask for it, if you may process it, how you must process it, if you may store it, how you must store, how your company must act on it, how you as an individual must act on it and that citizens/residents of the EU always stay in control. 

Why should I care?

It either protects you from any company or individual knowing everything about you through a world-spanning harvesting network and building a comprehensive profile on your every working.


It keeps you as a person/student/freelancer/company from randomly harvesting all the data you can just use for your own gain. With fines up to 20 million euro or 4% of your annual profit. As specified in article 83.

The workshop

Initially, the GDPR law was incomprehensible to us and many others even in its most basic practical sense. Questions we had were: What do I need to do? What information, provided by a wide range of institutions and lawmakers can I hold on too? What happens if my company doesn’t comply with the GDPR by the time it put in to force?  Sheevani Bharatsingh of The law factor provided a presentation about the new GDPR and a workshop to answer all our questions. Sheevani Bharatsingh is specialised in corporate law, general contract law and has studied the GDPR extensively.

At the start of the workshop, we held a quiz about our knowledge of the GDPR to get some feeling of what we knew. After this Sheevani gave a general introduction to the main lines of the GPDR followed by a more in-depth crash course of what you need to look out for, what action you need to take and in what order.

After the general introduction, we went to work and made a basic structured analysis of the data and data flows within our company. We completed the session by giving a presentation of our findings, what should be done within our company and how to comply with the GDPR.

But what should u yourself do? To analyse your company and make the first steps to become GDPR ready I recommend the following action plan.

What you need to do for the GDPR:

  1. Map the information flows within your company and what flows out of the company.
    1. What kind of data do you handle?
    2. To what goal is this information processed?
    3. What is your legal ground for collecting and processing this data?
    4. With whom do you share the data and why?
  2. What role does your company have regarding the processing of the procured data?
  3. Structure and document the way you process data and log every time you process data and to what end.
  4. Make an analysis of the risk of processing and storing the data you collect.
    1. Create a systematic description of your intended way of processing data and to what end
    2. Assess the necessity and interests of the data being processed
    3. Assess the vulnerabilities of the way you process data, your hardware and software
    4. Assess the privacy risks
    5. What precautions are you taking?
  5. Create a protocol for data leaks
    1. You need to contact the authorities (AP)
    2. You need to contact the people implicated by the data leak, those who the data regards.
    3. Notify them within 72 hours after knowledge of the leak
    4. Register the data leak in a log
  6. Create a (new) privacy statement containing:
    1. The contact information of your company
    2. The contact information of the authorities
    3. The goal and to what and you process data
      1. What data you process
    4. With whom is the data shared and to what end
    5. Storage period expiration
    6. Rights of those involved
    7. Justified interest
    8. Consent of user
  7. Appoint a dedicated employee for data and privacy protection
  8. Asses to what authorities you report in the case you’re an international business

Credit to Sheevani Bharatsingh and The law factor for the action plan

What happens if I don’t comply with the GDPR by the 25th of may?

As long as you show the authorities that you are working on complying within the first year you will not be sought out and fined actively. Someone can, however, sue you if their personal data gets leaked, misused etc. So make the GDPR your priority because it’s both in the best interest of you and your clients.



Sprint 2: what kind of data do we want?

So in our previous sprint it became apparent we needed to define the kind of data we wanted before even starting to think about the questions and the way we want to ask them (and to what public). While trying to define that, we also visited the Esports Game Arena in Alphen aan den Rijn on Tuesday. We got to see a different side of the esport community and broadened our perspective. However, we also discover during our visit that the gamers we interview are often puzzled by our questions and are unable to respond.

So I have to be honest, the first week we get kinda sidetracked from our actual sprint goal, which is about thinking of what we exactly want to know from the audience and how we are going to ask those questions. We make a questionnaire, but turns out the questions are still a bit generic and feel a bit iffy. We do more research on festival/event experiences with Harry van Vliet, but fail to visualize those findings into concrete prototypes.

On Friday we have a presentation from Emily Hinks on Frame insights & Ideation. Emily gives us a few interesting ways to carry out the questions for our end users. For example, we have to make three big questions that require more than a yes or no answer. Emily also encourages us to ask as much ‘why’ questions as possible. The workshop gives us the fresh breeze we needed and enables us to work more focused the next week.

This was a fun energizer that required you to draw the person before you in a short amount of time – and a lot of switching during the drawing! Looking good Burak

Week 2

Wouter gives a workshop on Tuesday on the Data Driven business model. He explains about the Business Model Canvas by Alexander Osterwalder, that might help us with our user research and how it relates to the Data Driven model. He discusses the customer pains and gains. What we want to do in such a business model is take as much pains away as possible and also add gains for the end user in the process.

the word ‘categorial’ sounds like ‘Captain Gloryhole’ apparently. Evelien lost it for a moment.

The next day, we attend a presentation by Esther Hammelburg. She explains the concepts around ‘liveness’. All of our stakeholders are there too and during the presentation some of Esther’s liveness findings are linked to the esports environment. Like in the case of the theory of flow, originated from the flow of television programs that manages to make the watchers watch longer. Here, we can combine the pains and gains Wouter was talking about in his workshop with the theory of flow: the pain factors can be seen as obstacles from keeping an event in a natural flow. After the presentation, we agree that we need to work with the question of how exactly we want to steer the flow during the fan experience we want to work on.

We have translate session with Evelien, Wouter and Felipe. They give us feedback on our current questionnaire. We still need to ask more open questions, so we work on that for the day. We use the example questionnaire made for the Rijksmuseum Boerhaave. When we are done with the revisions, we send it to Anne Moes, Evelien’s colleague, for new feedback.

On Friday we meet up with Jeroen from ExMachina. He shows us some of the projects ExMachina is currently working. A lot of them are very inspiring and incorporate some of the liveness concepts that Esther also talked about in an interactive manner. The possibilities of smart click maps seem especially interesting to us.

Week 3

Team Aim’s turn to cook again! This time we made Japanese curry with mashed potatoes.. You can call it a Dutch-Japanese fushion

Anne sends back some useful feedback on our questionnaire so the tinkering continues. Burak keeps developing the questionnaire format.

We decide that we want to refrain from using the Tinder app for asking the users too much complicated questions. Instead, the questions in the app are going to be concept ideas we’ve thought up for audience interaction.

The remaining two days before the sprint review we put all our research, concepts and prototypes together and Rizal makes a presentation out of it.

This time we had the sprint review at the eMense office. There was a new guy to take a picture with!

A few concepts were proposed during the sprint review by Aim, but we decided that we are going to focus especially on the offline/online interaction during such an event in such a manner that it will also be valuable to the online audience. Up until now, team Aim has been focusing on the individual interaction during an esport event. They need to keep in mind that they shouldn’t think of interactivity prototypes just for interactivities sake. During the sprint review we also decided that the experience of the event community as a whole will be more valuable to focus on from now on. Aim wants to come in contact with the people with knowledge of chat bottech and/or Paul from ExMachina, as Jeroen mentioned that Paul also has a deep understanding of chatbot technology. Aim is going to look through the possibilities chatbots can bring to us. Throughout the whole conceptualization, Esther Hammelburg’s concepts on liveness will also be used as a reference more frequently. We decided that the concept of a big all-purpose app might be hard to impose on the audience while there are so many chatting apps already. Chatbots from other successful chatting platforms such as Facebook Chat, Wechat, and Twitch will be taken as an inspiration and possible format to work with instead. Finally, Aim needs to add some new questions to our interview that include more questions about chatbot functions. We want to send the final revised interview before Wednesday to everyone. Jeroen and Wouter said they could help us with spreading the interview to their audience. For the next sprint, we want to actually start getting out there with our research and interview people.

The following deliverables were decided on for sprint 3:

1) Analysis of the survey by eMense and ExMachina
2) Another new online/offline interaction concept
3) Work together with Robbert and learn more about the OnLive techniques and concepts
4) Perform user research (actually talk to people)

Research, research, research..

We add the finishing touches to our stakeholders map, Casper as the scrum-master tries to contact everyone we want to meet with, while Rizal and Burak work on the ‘Why’ of our team: why do we want to do what we do?

Meanwhile, I’m drowning in all the research papers, but it does feel we have made a better framework for ourselves.

We have a sprint review with Evelien and Wouter, and they give some useful feedback. The most important thing is that we need to define what the ‘Experience’ means for us more properly.

On friday we go to the Bloom! AR exhibition. A funny sight and a peaceful experience.

The next week, it’s finally Aim’s turn to show everyone at MediaLAB what their cooking skills are made of! Or actually, Burak’s mom helped a lot……

We made a lot!

Right after lunch, we rush to Haarlem in Rizal’s luxurious car to meet our stakeholders of eMense. They already have a lot of pre-research done and provide us useful information on the esports community and the fan experience.

They had a giant steel man standing in the hall so of course we had to take a picture with it

We have a peer feedback session on Wednesday. We spend the rest of the day trying to improve our findings and presentation, mainly while focusing on our definition of ‘the Experience’.

Some of the gentle feedback we got from our MediaLAB teammates

The next day it is time for us to present our sprint 1 findings to every one of our stakeholders. Burak shows the app he’s been working on that is based on the swiping mechanism of Tinder. We want to use it as an interactive way of conducting our questionnaires, but after talking about it with our stakeholders, we decide that it’s wise to focus on what kind of data we want to actually gather before starting to think about the format of the questions. It’s great to see everyone together enthusiastically bouncing ideas off of each other! Afterwards, Evelien, Wouter, and team AIM gather together for a final retrospection on sprint 1. We discuss what the best course of action will be for now and decide on working closely together with ExMachina for sprint 2.

It’s time for the first sprint!

Okay, this week we will be starting on our actual project, which is both exciting and intimidating.. Our job for the coming months will be to create concepts and ideas for an interactive E-sports experience that will strengthen both the online and offline experiences. Data will play an important role in this.


We start organizing and planning. Casper is assigned as Scrum master and will be keeping us in check. Anneke and Mary gave us workshops on international team building. Team Here and There made us a delicious lunch!


In the morning we learned about the principles of the Javelin board from Evelien and we got to work with it ourselves.

Kicking of the morning with post-its

Afterwards we had a long planning session with Trello, in which we decided on the most urgent tasks:

  • Casper as the Scrum Master will be keeping contact with our stakeholders and think of questions to ask to our stakeholders.
  • Christine will also be researching and make a document containing relevant keynotes for our research question and try to present it by Monday next week.
  • Rizal will make the stakeholders map
  • Burak will search for sports events that we can go to.


Today we will be meeting two of our project partners, RSNewMedia and ExMachina. Evelien will also be attending the meetings with us.


We meet with Robbert Schep of RSNewMedia at the Wibauthuis. He runs his business on his own, but works together with a lot of different stakeholders. He’s currently working on an app called OnLive (work in progress) and told us about it. He wants to make an universal app that will make the current app landscape more efficient, starting with Amsterdam as its market. RSNewMedia focusses on community building and location- and context based services, so it will definitely be relevant and interesting for our research too.


At KNSM kade

Right afterwards we head off to KNSM to meet with the CEO and a project manager of ExMachina. They explained a bit about their work ethics and projects they have worked on. ExMachina is more technical-based and are the ones that have to make all the applications function correctly. They are less focused on the end-user, and while they do have access to some user data, they are unable to use it to its full potential concerning legal rights. ExMachina is an experienced business and is happy to share their experience with us, so it feels like we have a powerful ally already.

It was interesting to hear about the different visions of our two project partners and we look forward to working together with them!

Thursday & Friday

A bunch of research! We have a lot of ideas but we need some fundation to build it on.