MediaLAB Amsterdam is now the Digital Society School! You are viewing an archive of MediaLAB projects. Content on this website may be outdated, and is without guarantee.

Smarter Apps for a Connected Living


Gijs Gootjes
Davi Correa da Silva
Ruben Rodriguez
Steven Van Hoegaerden

Commissioner: TWC


We\'re developing a tool set or white label app for broadcasters, advertisers and format creators. It should be a generic kit that works for any kind of content and should be activated by Linear TV.

Connected Collecting presents Final Presentation

This week we wrapped up every part of the project to be ready for the presentation!

The last details were taken care of. We were preparing the app so that  it could be experienced by the visitors in the presentation day. The team made the necessary adjustments so that people could trade stickers in our stand.

We also took care of the formal parts of the presentation.  In collaboration with Starting Point we got ready the animated video that explains what “Connected Collecting” is. The presentation and loop to present in the expo were also done.

We also worked on an awesome infographic that explains step by step how “Connected Collecting” was developed. The final result was just lovely!

Finally, we got some sofas, tables, bookshelves and flowers to pimp out our stand. We made the “Connected Collecting Living Room”. With two Smart TVs, tablets and physical albums we allowed the visitors to experience our concept. They scanned the stickers, uploaded them to the Smart TV, trade with others and unlock the exclusive content.

We got nice reviews of the project. The audience seemed to like what we explained them and showed them in our corner in the MediaLAB.

We still have to work on some details for next week’s presentation to the TWC team!

Filming the “Become a football star” episode

Yesterday we filmed the first episode for the exclusive content that will be contained inside the Connected Collecting Application. This episode will be a part of a series of tutorials that will teach young football players how to make awesome football tricks that professionals already do.

We worked with two young football street players, Willem (KNVB specialist) and the Spektor team. Each player was asked to perform one trick. Nick (black shirt) performed the Akka trick approximately 97 times so the camera could get the movements from many perspectives and speeds. Guido (white shirt) performed the “kangaroo” trick. We also got several shots of them just playing, freestyling and having fun.We got really great shots from different angles, and we are quite sure that the slow motion will rock!   For a moment, some kids witnessed the filming and were really impressed about the player’s skills. They were a great public, and even ask the player for their autographs. This is one great hint that we are moving in the right way in order to attract kids into our concept.

The next tasks that we need to do to finalize the episode are to edit of course and integrate the voice over. We will be doing so in the next couple of days. We are looking forward for the final result.

Design / Implementation phase

We are currently working on the app’s interface, functionalities and content.

Development: Building the interface for the dynamic content for the Connected TV app.

Design: Creating the visuals that will be shown in the Connected TV app: the album page, and the individual players.

Preview of the visual designs of "Connected Collecting" app

We are also implementing the designs in the app.


Implementing the visual designs into the TV app

This week, we will also discuss the final stuff regarding the “Trade Market” section.

Content: To create the content that will “give life” to the digital collection of stickers, we are working together with Spektor ( and Willem Boss from the KNVB. We will be producing the pilot episode of a series of tutorials that will instruct kids how to do football tricks so in the future they can become football champions just as the members of the Dutch National Football Team.

We are currently working on the preproduction phase.

Looking for motion graphics talent


We are looking for a creative motion graphics talent with experience who can make an infographic video that lasts for 30 to 60 seconds that will showcase the life of a football player. The infographic needs to be professional because it will be used as high quality HD content for Smart TV’s. This infographic will be used in the prototype of our app as an example of a video that can be unlocked when you unlock a digital sticker.

Example of what we are looking for:


MediaLAB Amsterdam is working on a project that will increase the usage of Smart TV’s. We are working with 5 international students on this project, in cooperation with TWC, the leading Smart TV apps developer in Europe. We are currently in the process of developing the prototype of a Smart TV app. This app is going to be a digital sticker album which can be viewed in any Smart TV. It will give an added value to the whole sticker collecting experience and the usage of the Smart part of the Connected TV. More information about the project will be explained during an intake interview.

  • Experienced with making animations and infographics
  • Able to speak Dutch and preferably English
  • Available to work on the infographic starting from Wednesday 15/05.

There will be intake interviews starting from Monday 13/05 untill 15/05. We will provide a workspace and a compensation for the effort you put in the infographic. You might have the opportunity to work on more projects like this in the future.


If you are interested, send a mail before Tuesday 14/05 to Steven Van Hoegaerden at  with your portfolio and we will contact you as soon as possible for an intake interview.