MediaLAB Amsterdam is now the Digital Society School! You are viewing an archive of MediaLAB projects. Content on this website may be outdated, and is without guarantee.

Author Archives: michellenagel


Hello readers! It has been a while, so we have a lot to tell. First of all, we have a name for our interactive dashboard: “Scribe” . Sounds catchy right? Got curious how it works? We also created a promo video to emphasize where Scribe is about. But that’s not all, we also made Scribe […]

Cross Media Café

On the 31st of march Nikki and I (Michelle) went to the Cross Media Cafe organized by iMMovator at Studio 4 in Hilversum Mediapark. There were several lectures from people who have an important role in the media business. These lectures were about the future of journalism so that really fits within our project! This was […]

The end of sprint 1

Hi there people! It’s time again for our weekly blog update. With this week: the end of sprint 1. Yes you heard that right, this week sprint 1 will be finished. Time flies when you’re having fun! We started the week with a really interesting interview Madeline Crowell. She’s a 23-years-old freelance journalist. We asked […]

First meeting with a real journalist

This week we had a translate session with Margreet where we showed the work that we already finished. We mainly focused on the interaction between the reader and the journalist by observing several well known journalists. We made moodboards as a prototype and a document with our findings. Our main conclusion was that they all […]