Presentation by Journalist, TV-maker, anchorman

On tuesday March 6th we’ve visited the educational “minor-television”. They invited Art Rooijakker who works for Dutch TV and gave an Q&A on making television.

We found out that the “makers” in Hilversum are not working that much on connected-tv formats, which gives us the possibility to bring something new!

It was an inspiring talk on the business in Hilversum and how to get there.


Last week I used the second screen application on the iPad while I was watching the 8 pm NOS news broadcast. For each television program combines Twitter conversations with extra information gathered from Wikipedia and Google Maps about the subjects related to that program. In this way all social conversation about the different television programs are shown on one website.

The extra information shown is quite basic for now. Information about chemical elements, geographic locations and persons are shown in the timeline. At the moment it really works for detailed information about persons referred to in a television program. At a glance you see the current age, occupation and resent work for each person mentioned on television. is currently in Beta-status. Sometimes extra information is given for obvious matters like water, Europe and the Netherlands on unnecessary moments. And every now and the algorithms portray the wrong information altogether. Like during the NOS news broadcast I watched: where the Dutch queen Beatrix was mentioned on the news and interpreted her Majesty not as the queen of Holland but as Linux-based operating system BeatrIX, based on information on Wikipedia.

So needs some time for fine-tuning but they will get there in the end. We like the idea behind, and are very interested in the possibilities this platform has.

Somewhere next week we have a brainstorm session with Mark van de Crommert from We will write about our ideas and first concepts later this week. So stay tuned…