With proud we present you our final product

And the promo:


Voice-over promofilm

Yesterday we went to the studio’s to record the voice-over for our promofilm.
The promofilm will be as soon as possible shown on this blog. But first many thanks for
our voice-over speakers: Menno JongeJan en Charlie Mullholland!!













User Interface development with Starting Point @ MediaLAB

Today we are testing the first user interface to optimize it for the different devices. The application is running on a local server right now so we can only share some screenshots at this time. We copied the incoming tweets to all four columns to make sure we have a constant stream of new messages. It is really nice to see that the tweets are actually coming in at the same time on multiple devices.

Because we are creating a web-application it works on desktop computers, laptops, tablets and different smartphones. The application needs some optimisation, especially for the smartphones because the screens are not big enough to show the four columns at once. Navigating from one to another has to be nice and smooth. We are also working on the design, the pictures below are only the very first designs focused on the functionality. We are creating different design themes for use during multiply events like NOS news items, the EK soccer 2012 or the Dutch elections in September. Those themes are easy customizable to a different style to fit the look and feeling of the event.

Fabian Tollenaar our development partner from Starting Point at work

Testing the code in realtime on a iPad.

Screenshot of some tweets on the iPhone


Digital prototype

Short summary of our digital prototype testing.


We got invited for Media Future Week 2012

Team Interactive News Formats was invited for the Media Future Week 2012, this is an inspiring week for motivated media students. All students are working in different teams on inspiring cases. There were students from all over the Netherlands, studying on different HBO schools, with different competencies. So us four were working in separated teams with motivated students we didn’t know yet. Each team got linked to an inspiring case and one of the whitepapers about a ‘hot topic’ in the media landscape.

‘We will individually post an update about our team, case and the ‘hot topic’ that is involved with the case.’

Besides working on the case with your own team, there were inspirational keynote speakers like Andrew Keen, Seth Shapiro and many others. The topics covered in the keynotes helped all the teams with their motivation, inspiration and knowledge needed for this tough week.


Gerd Leohard CEO of The Future Agency talked about the fast changing media landscape and how to adapt your traditional business model to survive in this new age.

Gerd Leonhard
‘The purpose of looking at the future is to disturb the present’

Dirk de Roos from IBM talked about how to deal with issues involved by big data and how big data has influence on our life’s. He gave some good examples about analysing big data and how to give relevance to data. Telco Asia for example collects 6 billion ‘call related records’ of their customers. IBM helped Telco Asia to analyze this huge growing amount of data to learn more about customer behavior.


Dirk de Roos

Andrew Keen as we all know is a lot more critic about the adoption of social media. He talked about the changing society where we live on the Internet. The Internet itself is changing from a ‘link economy’ to a ‘like economy’. Everything we do is monitored: Consumer data is the new currency.

Andrew Keen
“We are all living the Truman show,
break the wall and step into the darkness”

Seth Shapiro talked about business cases in the TV branch. And how we as new media professionals can help define the next wave. He told about how the television show Madman changed the industry by creating a new business model. In the end it is all about the niche, hyper targeting is changing advertising.

Seth Shapiro
“If you not paying you are the product being sold”

In four days all the teams developed a concept and vision for their case partner. The keynote speakers, workshops, good food and stay where like pressure-cooking, wherein we all produced effectively. We were amazed by the end presentations given in Pecha Kucha style.

Video recap Media Future Week 2012:
Video Media Future Week 2012

For the rest check out the site and blogs of the Media Future Week 2012

Meet the team of Marcha-Lie:

This was my team during the Media Future Week 2012. Different students from  different schools in the Netherlands. What I liked about my team was that there  was a good teambuilding and we had different ideas for our concept about our  Big Data Case from the Almere DataCapital combine with our Whitepaper  Personal Health networks.



Who is Almere DataCapital? [1]

Big data has enormous potential but Big data has enormous potential but  harnessing that potential is still in its infancy. It needs a new area of expertise  that requires new skills (knowledge) and applications (tools). The city of Almere  has started to unlock the potential through the ambitious programme Almere  DataCapital. The term DataCapital refers to a concentration of companies,  services, knowledge and facilities all dedicated to the capture, storage, search, sharing, analysis and visualization of big data.

The Case: [1]

Big Data isn’t just about big numbers but can be all kind of data. That makes it often difficult to comprehend. One way of understanding Big Data is to visualize it. But what is the best way to make people understand Big Data is to visualize it. But what is the best way to make people understand what’s hidden in the data streams and files and how this evolves in time?

Information about the Whitepaper: [2]

As in all western countries the costs of health care in The Netherlands are high. The costs will further increase due to demographic trends (more older and longer living people) as medical costs of older people are above average. Prof. dr. René Bakker from the HAN University of Applied Sciences asked us to combine the Whitepaper with the Big Data Case.

Our concept:

The purpose of our concept is to collect the Big Data from persons with an illness. With this collected data we make a patient’s life easier. The collection of the data has two advantages. The first advantage is that the patient immediately benefits from a service that is exactly adjusted to the physical condition of the patient. The second advantage is that we can collect a lot of information about each patient, Big Data. With this Big Data we can mapped the diseases better and made connections that otherwise never could have created and or discovered.

The product will consist of two parts. A sensor, for example in the form of a bracelet and a device where you can read the collected information about your illness. You can wear the sensor on your body. In this way, the senor continuously collected information about your health, but also collected information about the area of the patient. The sensor can also warn the patient in critical situations like for example the sensor can warn the patient wen he gets an attack or if the patient is in an area that his health deteriorated. The sensor also communicates to a Big Data center where the data of all patients will be stored anonymously. The device is primarily for the patient. Through this device the patient can keep his disease process, the outputs or points where the patient might look better on.








[1] http://www.mediafutureweek.nl/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ADC.pdf

[2] http://www.mediafutureweek.nl/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/whitepaper-Personal-Health-concept-HAN.pdf


Meet the team of Manouk

This was my team during the Media Future Week. An inspired team with all kind of people, from all over      the Netherlands and with all kind interests and qualities. It was a very nice team, with who you could laugh and with who you had to work very hard. In the photo here next, we’re lying on the ground as ‘ME TV’ which was our concept we’ve presented to TNO.

But first I would like to tell you about the case which was given to us from TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research).





In a joint project, TNO, the Dutch Institute for Sound and Vision, Euvision, XMI, LexisNexis and CapGemini  built and designed a platform, that through audio, text and image analysis audiovisual material dating and metadata automatically divides into videofragments.

A strong point of the platform is that the information from these various analysis modules integrates. This is called multi-modal fusion and leads to better results than the use of single voice, image or text analysis. With this’ Metadata Extraction Engine (MEE) archive material can be metadated, and he can (with a slight delay) also broadcast live radio and television material processing.

The question of TNO for us was:
Suppose that your team may set up a company that could use this technic and can use the MEE platform. Which customers would you then focus on and with which service (s)? What business model would you usel? And what growth path would you outline your company?

After four days of hard working with the whole team, we came out on a ME TV platform. Where in the future the television is personalized on your own interest. That can be made through all the metatags which you can fill in and the video’s automatically appear at your dashboard.

Beside this idea, we have made a concept focus on the b2b sector. For example for the education institutions, teachers can upload their webcolleges easily. The software will automatically add the metatags to the video. And the students can find easily that subject they want to look back for by easily fill in some words in the search engine. After the presentation we ‘ve given, Hugo of TNO was very enthousiastic and surprised of the result after only four days working.









Testing the concept at NOSop3 in Hilversum

Last Thursday (26/04/12) we were at the news floor of NOSop3 to test our concept. We wanted to know how the news subjects are chosen en how the editorial staff can work with the selection of the ‘online reporters’. We started in the morning with the gathering of the news. The staff meeting started at 10 am. In this meeting every reporter pitched an on going news item. A selection of those news items is written down on the board, some items are for the web others are mainly for the TV broadcast.

News subjects:

  • Orange campsite Olympics London 2012
  • Reportage refugee North-Korea
  • Animal Cops, cancelled too soon?
  • Chinese soap Bo Xi Lai
  • Portrait Jan Kees de Jager/ debate government cutbacks

After the first selection was made we started to search for online reporters who are active on Twitter. For two of the news subjects we tried to find online reporters because those subjects were interesting and active on Twitter. Around the other subjects there was not much happening on Twitter so our selection was:

  • Portrait Jan Kees de Jager/ debate government cutbacks
  • Animal Cops, cancelled too soon?

We wanted to select Dion Graus from the PVV as an online reporter about the Animal Cops, but sadly he doesn’t have a twitter account. Frits Wester, reporter from RTL tweeted a lot about the Animal Cops that day, but we couldn’t select him because he works for RTL. We selected the account of the Dutch animal welfare organisation, they want to keep the Animal Cops and proof the benefits of those cops. As second reporter we wanted to select police chief Henk van Essen, he is strongly against the Animal Cops because it is at the cost of the deployment of the regular police force. Henk van Essen has a Twitter account, but didn’t use it in the past few months. More options are other police spokesman or people involved with the 144 emergency calls. But those are quite hard to find on Twitter. It is possible but it is quite a job for the editorial staff. In the end this news item wasn’t selected as TV item. So we had to choose the other news subject anyway.

NOSop3 broadcasted a portrait about demissionair minister Jan Kees de Jager, for us this was a good link to the cutback debate later that day, the agreement was made possible by Jan Kees de Jager. The debate was the online topic of the day. We selected quite a few online reporters and discussed them with the NOS editors. In the end we have chosen for Jelmer Uitentuis, Jaap Jansen and Roland. This worked well, in the end those three reporters tweeded a lot about the government cutbacks.

Jelmer Uitentuis, political young blogger

Joost Vullings, reporter NOS Radio 1

Jaap Jansen, active political Twitter user

Sander Etman, student with a strong own opinion

Roland, PVV enthusiast with a lot of debate on his Twitter profile

Watch the newsbroadcast NOSop3 of Thursday 26/04/12 here:

Design Presentation at NOSop3

On Friday, the 20th of April we went to Hilversum to give our Design Presentation  to the NOSop3. After the presentation we talked about some technical  specification. In our presentation we said that we wanted to build a Native app  instead of a Web app. We’ve talked to different developers and they said that it’s  easy to make a Native app instead of a Web app. We don’t have the skills to build  a Native app or a Web app, so we have to find a developer that can build the app  for us. We ask James Chan about his opinion about what kind of app we should  build. He told us that we should make a list with the benefits and the  disadvantages of a Native app and a Web app and e-mail the list to him so he can  give us feedback.

We also showed our Paper Prototype to the NOSop3.

On Thursday, the 26th of April we’re going to the news floor of NOSop3. We can take a look at a meeting of NOSop3 and we help NOSop3 to find the three reporters for the ‘Online Social Reporters’ app.

Wereldkans voor beginnend (web)app-developer!











Email Menno Jongejan voor meer info op interactivenewsformats@gmail.com

PDF: vacatureiOSdeveloper

All your API’s are belong to us!


Yesterday SETUP, a centre for creation and innovative new media in Utrecht, organized a session on API’s. Goal was to show that without any knowledge of API’s it is still possible to create a cool, arty mashup-website, using input from different API’s and freely available webtools.

The evening was led by self-confessed professional nerd and API king Heinze Havinga of Leftfootmedia. After a short explanation of what API’s are and what you can do with them by Phd candidate Anne Helmond, we took off and started building our own Procatinator-clone. Combining the Soundcloud-api, the unofficial Google text2speech-api, Twitter-api, Flickr and webtools Yahoo Pipes and IFTTTT we created our very first mashup on ducks. Because everybody loves ducks! Result: an arty website on which tweets about ducks are converted to speech, stored on a Souncloud-account and played on a website, accompanied by duck pictures and some ambient music. How cool is the result?! This cool!

Afterwards there was time for drinks and networking. Valuable lessons where learned on the technical difficulties of our second screen-application and the use of the Twitter-api.

Socratic Conversations

Last Friday the 30th of March we have had a workshop in Socratic Conversations given by Lars Böhm for all the students of the MediaLAB. The question it was all about was:  “What do you expect from a medialab?”. It was not a discussion, but an interesting way of giving your opinion and it was very important to listen to eachother.

Lars, thank you very much for this workshop!