Crossmedia Research on the lifecycle of a newsitem

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Check that promo!

It’s monday today, in our freezing MediaLAB-office on the seventh floor of the Singelgracht building. Introduction week is over, and time to get serious. In this post:  our first meeting with the assigner, MediaLAB possibly powered by Nespresso, Curating Reality-seminar and as promised our promotional movie.

Our first week was a busy one. Lots of meetings, getting to know the team mates, presentations and a day of seminars on thursday. Wednesday we had our first meeting with Maike Olij. Maike is our assigner and works for the NOS. Being very open, Maike gave us the opportunity to fire our questions, enabling us to precisely clarify the scope of the project. We have learned that just about anything is possible, as long as it’s innovative, fresh and involves the watcher. The project emphasis on the web.

The MediaLAB kindly supplied us with a Nespresso coffee machine, but no pads. As we all know Nespresso pads are expensive and students are poor. All of them. So we initiated contact with our hopefully soon-to-be friends of Nespresso, asking them for a half year supply of coffee cups. In return we offered them a bumper in our promotional movie. Let’s see what Nespresso responds.To be continued!

Cool speakers on friday’s seminar Curating Reality at the OBA (public library of Amsterdam). Tunesian blogger Sami, who played an important role in the Tunesian Spring online, gave a presentation on the important role social media played during the rebellions in his home country.  Jeroen Smit, Professor of Journalism at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Groningen, inspired every aspiring investigative journalist to take matter in own hands and “stop complaining and start thinking”. Webwerelds’ Brenno de Winter elaborated on his ventures with Trans Link Sytems’ OV-chipkaart and The Guardians’ Roger Smit showed how masses of data can be streamlined and simplified with infographics. Useful stuff!

In the previous post we promised you our promotional movie and we are very proud to show you our final result. The movie was edited by team member Marcha-Lie Moal. Idea by all team members and the shots where made at the Magere Brug in Amsterdam.
