A meeting with the assigner

An early morning for us students, as we were expected at the NOS head office on Hilversums’ Mediapark at 9 in the morning. In store were a tour of the NOS news floor and a meeting with James Tjan, project coordinator New Media. Our primary goal: gather information on NOS’s new media projects, inform Maike of our progress  and get an overall feeling of NOSop3’s atmosphere.

First of all NOSop3’s Maike Olij gave us a grand tour of the NOS news floor. The actual news floor of NOS is enormous. “The biggest of Europe”, as Maike proudly stated. The news floor consist of several ‘islands’, all with their own subject (ie. economy) or specialization. The Sports-department has their own floor. We had the chance to see the actual broadcasting studio, which is much smaller than it looks on television. Well, they say television adds a few pounds, right?!

The tour finished right in time for the daily NOSop3-meeting. During this meeting all possible subjects for internet, radio and television are discussed. Our team was given the opportunity to contribute to todays news, resulting in a post on NOSop3’s website. Team Interactive News Formats represent!

After being delayed by meetings we met up with James Tjan. James is the big man when it comes to the implementation of New Media formats and researching possibilities. During this useful meeting we learned a lot about the efforts the NOS has been putting into the development of Second Screen-apps and Connected TV opportunities. Result is a good overview of these efforts and how we fit into this picture. James was visibly happy with the fact us four MediaLAB-talents whereworking on format design as well.

We strive to keep him happy and blow NOSop3 away with an incredible format. So stay tuned!