HvA Education Conference

As part of the MediaLAB we’ve been to the HvA Education Conference on Thursday 29th March. The Amsterdam University of Applied Science (HvA) organized the 8th Education Conference at Theatre Carré, Amsterdam. The conference, with the theme of ‘We Amsterdam,’ started with making 3D photo’s which were seen at the screens at the podium of Carré. Most of the attendees were HvA employees, (lecturers, staff and management), as well as the research depts. (‘lectoraten’) such as the Institute of Network Cultures, and of course the MediaLAB Amsterdam. During the conference there were 6 employees of the HvA sitting in the front with a face-reader, the results of what the face-reader said were mentioned on the sceens.

Below two photo’s of Carré. (1. Ourselves in 3D 2. The face-reader)
See for more pictures and video’s: svn.notfound.nl












Conceptpresentation & document

On Monday March 19th we’ve given the conceptpresentation at the NOSop3. After presenting our 3 concepts, called; Slide&Share, Online Social Experts and ‘Koffieautomaatpraat’ the NOSop3 has given their opinion about the concepts. We have given them our conceptdocument and later today we will hear which concept they preferred. We are all very exciting about which concept will be chosen. Click  on the link below to see our conceptdocument. Enjoy!

Presentations organized by IMMovator and TNO in Hilversum

On Monday March 12th we’ve visited presentations organized by IMMovator and TNO about the project Connected TV and Fiber to the home. First Martin Prins told us about the opportunities and things take into account of Connected TV. Afterwards he told us his recommendations, which included the following advice:

  • Consider very carefully who you want to achieve and how.
  • Moderately fresh content
  • Video!! (it’s still TV)
  • Simple 3-meter navigation, with a normal remote control
  • Consider second screen

Afterwards Co Mast CEO of the Entertainment Group told us about their experience with Connected TV and the long way it took before it all worked. It were two very interesting presentations with a lot insights of Connected TV.


Interview with Rob Prass

On the 6th of March 2012 we did an interview with Rob Prass, teacher at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. The reason why we did the interview is because Rob knows a lot about Television and Interactive Television Formats.

Before we asked Rob some questions we told him about our own research about Interactive News Formats, Second Screen and Gamification of the News and we showed him some examples we found during our research. Rob told us that there are some other examples about Interactive News Formats on the website of broadbandbananas.com

We asked Rob if we missed some example about Interactive News Formats, Second Screen and Gamification of the News. According to Rob we did a good research about our subjects and he told that some companies (Example like imgzine.com) in the Netherland are working on Augmented reality based on news.

During our interview we ask Rob about his own experience with Interactive Television Formats. He said that the BBC is working a lot with HbbTV and the BBC have a good user survey and we should take a look at it.

The interview with Rob was very useful and he gave us a lot of tips!


Research Document: Interactive News Formats // Living document

Crossmedia Research on the lifecycle of a newsitem

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Meeting ExMachina

On a sunny thursday afternoon our team met up at ExMachina’s industrial-looking office in the center of Amsterdam. In store was a brainstormsession with ExMachina’s COO Thomas Glas.

As leading interactive game developer ExMachina has developed several second screen applications for prominent costumers like The Voice of Holland and Germany’s Next Top Model, using their Play-to-TV platform. Function: creating interaction, stickyness, exposure and data analyses tools for their customer.

It ended up being a very inspirational session with some great learnings we would like to share with you. Let’s first cover the basics.

First, Thomas reminded us of the great reach NOSop3’s media mix has. There are great possibilities to incorporate these in one overall platform, and is a great marketing tool. Next to that, the news program is live on air. This offers great opportunity for engagement. According to Thomas there are three phases around the live program: prologue – program – epilogue. These are the three phases around the program to work with. And don’t forget about the opportunities for second screen during the radio show.

Second, it’s all about the user. Thomas’ shared his companies philosophy of never being ‘more than one click away from your target audience’. In his view its tremendously important to cover all platforms and all media. And about it being all about the user: keep it simple and complementary for the user, and use the users sensitivity for impulses. Example: when creating a quiz, use the statistics in your show. Users enjoy the feeling of having contributed. You need the users’ feedback. Let him know this and reward. Engagement is key. As is completing your feedback loop.

Last, Thomas shared one of their succesfull Belgian concepts: an interschool battle where schools, through a second screen application, participate in a quiz resulting in an overview of Belgians’ best high school. Knowing NOSop3 has a desire to reach schools or publish content on their trend screens, this might be an interesting approach.

We are well on our way towards concepting. Interesting times, interesting people and flow is high. We are looking forward to telling you more about our concept phase soon!

The Widget Company-session

On Wednesday 7 March 2012 we were invited for a meeting with The Widget Company (TWC). We got in contact with them through James Tjan, project manager at NOS New Media. The Widget Company is a development partner for the NOS, they are the first full service widget agency in the Netherlands. Their team develops and creates online campaigns and widgets for web, desktop, mobile and television. They are market leader in the development of Samsung Smart TV apps.

The setup of this meeting was to be engaged from the beginning with the development partner of the NOS, ensuring we are well informed about the possibilities and technical issues of the Dutch Connected TV-landscape. First we got a short pitch from Rutger Pinas, CEO of TWC, about their recent projects. After that we gave an introduction about our team and the project assigner, also we spoke about some first insights and possibilities that came up during our research phase.

This merged into a brainstorm session were we spoke about our vision of the ideal Connected TV landscape. We believe that a Second Screen user must be able to connect with the TV, redaction and with other users. The output of this interaction must be visible on an overlay on the TV. In an ideal world the output of the interaction shown is just the information that is relevant for the user. So every user gets different parts of the information based on his or her unique properties. TWC has the experience and know-how of all the pro’s and con’s concerning previously stated.

During our research phase we discovered that Connected TV in the Netherlands is far from reaching its full potential. The dutch market is very much fragmented, making it hard for developers to reach their full target audience. Despite the fact its hard to embark on this course, it is important to not let this interfere with the creative process. It’s important to keep all options open while connecting. During the conversation it got more and more clear to us what the different possibilities on the area of Connected TV in the Netherlands are, and just as important what is not possible.

Compared to the United Kingdom and Germany our country has a long road ahead. Open standards like HbbTV are slowly starting to integrate in the Dutch landscape. Next to that possibilities to show information on the TV screen only relevant to that single viewer are non-existent. This renders it impossible to show different viewers a different interactive layer, ie. input shown based on friends/location.

De properties of a television are very different from those of a second screen device. TWC urged us to keep this in mind. Second Screen functionality on a Connected TV doesn’t work; Video-on-Demand does. In the case of using Second Screen as well as Connected TV the amount of call-to-actions is important, and remember your application only works if it adds value.

This meeting made us very much aware of the possibilities and possible roadblocks ahead. Core stays added value for the end user. De application has to be easy accessible. This will be used as input and red line for further research. Hopefully The Widget Company gives us the opportunity to come back in the concept phase so we can share our concepts and use their knowledge for feedback

Presentation by Journalist, TV-maker, anchorman

On tuesday March 6th we’ve visited the educational “minor-television”. They invited Art Rooijakker who works for Dutch TV and gave an Q&A on making television.

We found out that the “makers” in Hilversum are not working that much on connected-tv formats, which gives us the possibility to bring something new!

It was an inspiring talk on the business in Hilversum and how to get there.

First Brainstorm

After researching for weeks it was time for the first brainstorm session.

It created a lot of insights which we’ll present to the NOS next week.