MediaLAB Amsterdam is now the Digital Society School! You are viewing an archive of MediaLAB projects. Content on this website may be outdated, and is without guarantee.

Games 4 Amnesty


Rob Boerman
Radoslav Gulekov
Lisa Maier
Fay Gramberg



minigame4: lightMyCandle

This is LightMyFire, LightMyCandle, KeepTheFireBurning game idea. Basically you can bring fire to the candle of a friend of your through your phone, by touching both phones the flame is transmitted. At the end you can follow your flame from person to person, from city to city, from country to country….the competition will be to create the biggest network…we are currently working on elaborating more on this concept….and we want to keep it SEXY.

minigame3: Hide&Seek

IMG_20141119_110137Assassin is a live-action game played at high-schools in USA. This one triggered the idea of creating the Hide&Seek game for universities, neighborhoods, cities and countries. Anybody can join the game at any point. There are two type of players: those who are hiding and those who are seeking. Each of them can see on the screen of his/her phone a map with a distance of all people  involved in the game. Once a seeker is in less than one meter distance from someone who is hiding, the latter goes to jail. Therefore all the hiding people need to perform a special action to bring their fellow player back in the game…



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This is a new version of Street Fighter. Well, basically is absolutely the same as the original game, so it’s about fighting, but this time you are watched by people and you can see their expressions. This game can lead to a InTheirShoes direction, but at this stage is too far from it….


From now on we will post a number of small games that can serve as a trigger for the final Amnesty game. The first one is HelpTheBall.

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In this simple game you are one of the lines and your purpose is to hit the ball in the right direction so at the end it can reach the hole. The idea is that the game can be played LIVE with different people who are represented by a different line and together can tunnel the ball into the right direction. #NETWORK #WORKINGTOGETHER


GameDesign Creative Session

Hello there! You haven’t heard recently from us, but of course this is only due to the fact that we have been quiet busy conceptualizing. In order to bring our concept directions to a real game field, we went to a Game Design workshop. We had four teams of GameDesign students who were brainstorming together with us on our design directions: Amnesty as a Machine, the Network and In their shoes. Each of these directions has its own features that are unique. We call them KEEPERS and they are: metaphore – Spread the Light, grey area between good and bad, competing stakes, link game mechanics & story/message of the game and your story – your emotions. Currently we decided to try to combine these features in a final concept and this creative session kicked the start of the final ideation….

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Last sprint we mainly focused on researching the problem and the user.

This sprint, we are focussing on the ideation.

We created over 200 ideas about the possible solution to our research question.

Our brainstorm:


We created more than 200 ideas, after hours of brainstorming me scaled it down to 11 concepts.


Here is where our ideas can to die.


Anima 1

We went to anima 1 for inspiration of interactive installations.


Toolz & Thingz Pop-Up Store


ONLY TODAY, you can go and visit the Pop Up Store Toolz & Thingz, located on Haarlemmerdijk 41 in Amsterdam.

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Just go there and explore the objects they have. You will be surprised to find the story behind all these innocent at first glance objects.

And of course you should spin the fortune wheel in front of the store. Just for fun 😉

And of course we were also there, explored all the objects, read their personal stories, signed petitions and our dear team member Lisa even managed to give an interview.


Clark Kent vs. Superman


Last week we managed to talk to Maarten Beckers, who is the action coordinator at Amnesty Nederland. He described Amnesty as an old wise man who you can always trust, but who is not sexy enough to the young generation. So according to Maarten, Amnesty should become the wise Clark Kent, who has secret superpowers and turns into Superman. The same Superman that young people can like, follow, admire and trust.

You can check some of the projects that Maarten was involved with while working at Amnesty. Do these projects present Amnesty as the cool Superman or we are still dealing with the less interesting persona of Mr Clark Kent?

Amnesty at Lowlands Festival, Project: Chinese Internetcafe

Amnesty at Pinkpop Festival, Project: De Kop van Poetin

Working at the Amnesty office


It was a busy week with two workshops, the start of Sprint#1, our first working days at the Amnesty office and three interviews.

What’s the problem?
We started this week with a workshop Problem Definition from the hyper active Charlie Mulholland. This workshop gave us different perspectives on the problem we are trying to solve and some interesting insights.

Design brief and sprintplanning
We got organised this week! Although we of course love our wooden scrumboard we use for our sprint planning, we now also love our digital sprint planning. Lisa made a nice colourful overview of the planning of these three weeks with all the tasks. We put a picture of it on this blog just because we’re proud of it! Rado also started with the design brief, which will be finished the end of this sprint.

Sprintplanning 1

Tinker around
Loes and Tamara from MediaLAB prepared a workshop about tinkering and prototyping which allowed us to let go of all the practical stuff and just explore and experiment.

Tinkering is about hands-on experiences, learning from failures, and unstructured time to explore and invent. And through the processes of exploration and invention lies the potential for innovation. (

A prototype is a first or preliminary model of something from which other forms are developed or copied.

We came to the conclusion that tinkering and prototyping have some things in common, mainly that failure is good. By means of trying stuff and also failing you will quickly find out what works and what doesn’t.
In one hour we had to create a paper prototype of something that could be a part of our project and test it with someone from another team. We came up with a prototype for an experience in a museum where you, by choosing your favourite color, would be literally put into a “box”. The choice of your color had effect on what room you could go to. In this room you would find certain prejudices about the color that you chose.

Copy of IMG_2936

Copy of IMG_2937

In the second part of the workshop we all could play around with tinker materials. Our table was lucky to get MakeyMakey. With MakeyMakey you can connect the keyboard of your computer to almost anything you want, transforming these objects into buttons. (Here you can check out some cool stuff you can do with MakeyMakey:

MakeyMakey is very easy to use, even if you don’t understand the technical side of it. This led to a lot of fun. In the video below you can see how we used MakeyMakey to transform ourselves into the keys of a piano!


Amnesty office
The best part of this week was working at the Amnesty office where we were welcomed with open arms. In these two days we had three work places (four, if you count the garden) and three meetings with people from Amnesty. We talked to Juke Fluitsma and Suzanne Fennema from the education departement and Maarten Beckers from the action departement. We got a lot of useful information from them.

Also it has to be said that lunchtime is one of the highlights at the office. Everyday a lovely lady prepares something else. The garden of Amnesty provides a perfect place to enjoy this tasty lunch.



First week

Hello there!

So.. we had a very busy week at MediaLAB. At first we had to get to know each other and in the meanwhile create a user scene. After that we had a meeting with the Amnesty International team, which was very inspiring and exiting. 

User scene
We made an interactive experience for our user scene. We choose for an interactive experience because our project includes gamification and we wanted to have that game element.
Our user scene is a rather corrupt online device that can help you decide who to vote for at the elections. We asked a fellow college to fill out the test. You can check out his reaction and the test in the video below.


If you want to execute the test yourself, here’s the link:

Meeting Amnesty International
We had a meeting with Roland van Veen, head of public communication of Amnesty International, and some of his colleagues. They told us everything we needed to know about Amnesty International as a foundation and what they were expecting from us. We also let Roland van Veen perform the test, he was positively surprised and a bit shocked.  

We’re looking foreword to next week!