MediaLAB Amsterdam is now the Digital Society School! You are viewing an archive of MediaLAB projects. Content on this website may be outdated, and is without guarantee.

Vehicle to Grid


Anna Hornberger
Linda Zieverink
Paolo Di Labio



Final Presentation V2X Consortium

On the 19th of Jannuary we had a presentation in front of the V2X consortium!

Check it out:-)

Final Exibithion

Today were the final presentations and exibithion in MediaLAB!IMG-20160121-WA0014[1] IMG-20160120-WA0005[1] IMG-20160121-WA0022[1] IMG-20160121-WA0023[1] IMG-20160121-WA0019[1]

Usability test, final design

January started with a usability test of the app. We made a clickable prototype and let 7 people do  8 different tasks in the app accompanied by a story. The story helped them to put themselves in the possition of the EV driver.

The test led to several changes in the App. See the final app slides below.App 2.0 Final


Final style adjustments, App 2.0

The app was  too green and there was too little contrast, henece the style was adjusted to less transparency and more full colour. Further was the red colour for buttons and interactive fields interpreted as danger by the users we showed the app to, hence we chose another complementary colour to green which is a warm yellow.App 2.0 screenshots for cofely_Page_1 App 2.0 screenshots for cofely_Page_2 App 2.0 screenshots for cofely_Page_3

sprint 5, wireframes , styleguide… App 1.0

This spint was only 1,5 weks. We translated the 1.0 architecture into wireframes and then transferred the styleguide.


presentation 15-12 final_Page_13 presentation 15-12 final_Page_11 presentation 15-12 final_Page_07

See the whole presentation sprint 5 here.


The user research results were transformed into a first app architecture. Because the pilot requires a more simple version of the app than an app that would work in comercial use, we decided to create an app version 2.0 and an app version 3.0. We first translated all user needs into an architecture draft for 3.0 and then created a minimum viable product for the pilot. The app for the pilot for examle does not need a network, because only 10 people will take part in it. In oder to be able to programm in steps we  also divided 2.0 features and started to define all features for 1.0 which will be a realistic guess to programm untill Christmas. We started programming in Java Script, html and css.


app features IMG-20151201-WA0007

Styleguide Survey

According to the personas we desigened 4 different style moodboards for the app. We evaluated them with an online questionaire. Style 4 was liked the most but there were several adjustments to be survey final version_Page_2 style survey final version_Page_3 style survey final version_Page_4 style survey final version_Page_5improvements style4


We created personas  and used them as a tool to help design for our target group. The results of the co-creation session helped us to better define these personas!


persona 1 personas_Page_2 personas_Page_3 personas_Page_4

Co-creation session evaluation

The session is transcribed and analyzed, here is a link to the findings.

Co-creation session 30.10.2015

IMG_4734poster of group 2
IMG_4726poster of group 1
IMG_4738exercise one filled in user sheets
IMG_4742evaluation of the transcript



Co-creation Session

Yesterday we conducted a co-creation session with six EV drivers.

The session was 3,5 hours and involved 3 different parts.

The main research question was:

How do people percieve energy sharing through their ev and their house in different situations?

Agenda Co-Creation 

Presentation Co-creation

user session user session2 user session3 user session4 user session5 user session6 user session7