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Sustainable Workspaces


Sustainable Workspaces
  • Rokas Raudonius
  • Laura Karssen
  • Antónia Varga
  • Thierry Karsemeijer



The End. Or is it?

Sprint 6

All knowledge and findings from the last five sprints comes to this one. We saw evolution of ideas: how they were born, changed, merged with others and what became of them in the end. The final prototype is a representation of the best, most robust and innovative ideas that withstood tests of time, criticism, various prototype sessions and hours of discussions. This blog post will be about this. 


The prototype itself is a journey with a scenario that changes users’ behavior. Although all parts of the concept can function on their own, it’s best to look at the whole image from the perspective of a user. It all starts with a detailed, but bite-sized information about person’s current and past energy usage. From there, user is directed to insights page, that give personalized tips on how to lower usage. After implementing those tips, user is informed, how she/he had grown as an energy user and where does he stand in the leaderboard of sustainability among other similar companies. To make even bigger impact to help lower company’s energy usage, we came u with a concept of a public screen, where information about usage is hsared in public spaces. It brings knowledge to employees together with the tips, how they can participate in cutting down costs. It is important to notice, that all parts of a user journey is personalized and as relevant as possible to the time and situation of platform usage. For example, if a user checks insights page during the cold season, he will only get tips on how to isolate building and cut down heating costs. Nothing will be mentioned about air condition, etc.

As mentioned, these concept were cumulative knowledge of previous sprints, but we still needed to test the whole concept. And we did just that.



In cooperation with Beekeen (Eneco’s partner in finding respondents) we held a testing session of two hours with five people from our target group – purpose driven community leaders. Each part of the concept was discussed in length, no stone was left unturned. Overall, target group liked the idea, it resonated with them and their needs, and the concept in general, they found it understandable and gave extra ideas for future plans. In short, we received a long list of small design improvements and suggestions for further development. 

At this moment, 8 days before the final presentations we are busy with the research paper and the research poster. We made a movie to show on the 22nd and are collecting and documenting all the research, feedback and future possibilities for Eneco. Grab some popcorn and enjoy!

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