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for all your building materials, timber and sheet


Linda Janssen
Sabrina Doornekamp
Jelmar van Voorst
Aishwarya Babu

Commissioner: STIHO


Stiho is a supplier of construction, wood and plate materials. Costumers of Stiho are construction companies active in building, renovation and the development of small new building projects. Craftsmanship and knowledge about product and application modes are disappearing rapidly in the Dutch construction industry. Ageing is the main reason for this development. The loss of knowledge and skills is already causing problems in maintaining the quality of project in this industry. The question is how these skills and knowledge can be preserved and circulated to future generations through digital storytelling? The target group that Stiho wants to reach consists of construction companies active in building, renovation and the development of small new building projects. The media application that has to be developed must make this knowledge accessible to craftsmen at the ‘Stiho-building square’ (together with the Giebels formula) and at building locations.

What’s the plan?

We’ve set the ball rolling. At the start we visited the assigner, Bruno Giebels, innovation manager and our contact person at STIHO. This meeting answered a lot of question for us regarding the project. Who are the stakeholders? What is STIHO already doing with respect to the learning process? Who are the STIHO employees? Who are the clients?

After this meeting, we combined all this new data with our own experiences and thoughts, and formed a mindmap to get an overview of all the collected data.

In the next step, we converted this mindmap into a infographic which you can see below.

A third important accomplishment this week was the development of our research plan. This plan is divided into two sections, the gathering of data and then analysing all this data.

Data gathering consists of three parts:

–       Observations

–       Semi-structured Interviews

–       Desk Research

Subsequently, we are going to process this data in the following sections:

–       Customer Journey Map

–       Stakeholder Map

–       Touchpoint Map

The goal of this research is to create an overview of the whole process, to know who the stakeholders are, what their tasks and relationships are and consequently give our concept a form.

In the next week, we’re going to perform the research at the STIHO Bouwplein in Amsterdam and start gaining new insights for the concept phase.

To give an impression of our whole planning:

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