MediaLAB Amsterdam is now the Digital Society School! You are viewing an archive of MediaLAB projects. Content on this website may be outdated, and is without guarantee.

Winning way of working


James Joyce
Kazuhide Shibata

KAZUHIDE SHIBATA is Designer of a team at Media Lab Amsterdam. He is intersted in design of gaming(VR and AR), digital performance technology, and Film. KAZUHIDE is a 4-grade student of Kyushu University, Visual Communication Design. He made some movies and Graphic design for entertainment or promotion. He also believe that new style visual experiences give people live happiness and impression.
Suzanne Klooster
Sebastian Langer

Sebastian is a designer, he likes that. He also likes other stuff like: future foods, future living, in general all thats new and pushing limits. At Medialab he works together with the rest of the team to the Winnin Way of Working, a project from KLM. How can we make employees feel purpose in their work? Take a look at his webpage to see previous projects: SEBLANGER
Mackenzie Orr

Mackenzie is a researcher and aspiring designer working on a five-person team at the MediaLAB Amsterdam. She believes that color, new media, and design are invaluable to the human experience. Mackenzie is a master’s graduate of the University of Amsterdam with a degree in Sociology: Social Problems and Social Policy. She has previously researched and written about Pokémon Go Related Interactions, Perceptions, and Uses of Urban Public Space. LinkedIn

Commissioner: KLM


The mission of KLM is to deliver the best possible travel experience for their passengers. In order for her employees to achieve that, KLM wants her employees to be happy and really feel why their contribution matters. You will co-create prototypes & services to create a work environment where all KLM employees experience well-being and purpose on a daily basis.

A brief wrap up of Sprints 3,4 and 5 – Movie Edition, brought to you by Kei’s Chicken

Hello! We are Kazuhide (visual designer) and Mackenzie (researcher and creative designer), working on the Winning Way of Working (WWOW). We have finished Sprint 5 and are starting to work towards the final Presentation, which takes place on 29 June 2017! In this post I will tell you about our workflow from Sprint 3 (1-13 April), Sprint 4 (17 April – 4 May), and Sprint 5 (8-24 May).


During sprint 3 we processed and applied our research in order to determine the main criteria for our design solution for the WWOW project. These top 3 criteria consist of: connection, interaction, and office space. More details about what each of these elements should include follows:

Top#3 Connection:
1. Physical and digital
2. Inspire employee routines
3. Multiple Locations

Top#3 Interaction:
1. Shared Use
2. Comprehension
3. Immediate Usability

Top#3 Office Space:
1. Balance and Variety
2. Auditory Aesthetics
3. Natural Elements


During sprint 4 we applied and transformed these criteria further to make the four central elements of our design solution. These consist of four elements that we agreed, as a team, to be important parts of our final design solution. Therefore, we decided that our design solution should be/create:

1. Digital and Physical
2. Plants
3. Diverse Space
4. History of KLM

Based on the criteria from sprint 3 and the design elements above, we brainstormed about the design solution, developed a concept, and made a prototype.


From our research within KLM, we determined that there is a lack of (visual and physical) consistency within the buildings of different workers and departments. This intrigued us to develop a concept campaign in order to spread awareness of the winning way of working (WWOW). This concept campaign is about how KLM should be working flexibly, diversely, and collaboratively.

Central concept and goal: to provide a design solution that facilitates and promotes spontaneous encounters among KLM employees from diverse departments. We aim to design a space where informal meetings, relaxation, and connection within KLM can blossom.


In order to achieve our concept and its goals we developed a prototype. It is the moving frame prototype, 1:8 scale. This video shows you the hanging system and how the frame moves. The prototype is very versatile and this video shows some of the ways that it could be used as a room separator, ceiling display, or touchable display for meetings and presentations.

This is a 3D visualization of this prototype. In this video, you can see how many hanging frames might look in an open space. The video simulates an open office or entrance. This video allows for another way to imagine the real size and atmosphere of our concept.

Sprint5 Short Summary Video!

In this sprint, we mainly made the frame and insert content.

-Size: 1400 x 1200mm
-Holds changeable inserts, allowing for flexible and adaptable space. It is suspended from the ceiling and can be used as a room separator, ceiling decoration, or table.

-Size: 1280 x 1080mm
-Allows office spaces to change what offices are made of as employees needs shift.
-Two types: Moss and Digital Touch Screen


・brainstorm digital contents
We brainstormed and designed digital content and control panel for the frame.

・Going to Fiber Festival
Sebastian and Jim went to a workshop with Refik Anadol for research and inspiration.

・POV tour / Scrap Plaza
We went to KLM Point of View Building and Scrap Plaza for researching office and inspiration. There are a lot cool and unique designs and we met some engineers. (My favorite was a library of POV. -Kazuhide)
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・Making the frame
We bought materials and made big frame in the HvA wood shop.
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・Moss research
We researched about moss for the physical insert in the frame. We found the moss that is able to preserve itself, and will stay green without water.

・buy Styrofoam
We got big Styrofoam boards for the screen to project digital insert for the frame.

・designing digital space
We designed digital space for the digital insert in the frame. Users can experience connection in this system by touching screen. We prototyped and created our own touch screen by using a    Kinect and projector.

・Control panel
We made the prototype of the control panel. Employees can customize their space by moving frames with the control panel on a tablet. There are four presets for the frame. Jesse Klijn, he is a member of Schiphol team, helped us to make the digital simulation of control panel on a tablet.

・making lunch
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Only four weeks to finish making our 1:1 scale Moving Frame… Lots to do and prepare! See you at LabFEST on 21 June 2017!

Lab Fest

We presented our final design solution: Ailo, on 21 juni at Labfest.

Ailo is based on our research collected from KLM since february 2017, we found that KLM had an issue of disconnection between employees located in different physical environments. As a result of these findings we designed Ailo to facilitate a creative office tool that is able to be customized for the specific employer needs in every KLM departments. With Ailo we aim to create a holistic workplace design. The central goal of Ailo is to create an atmosphere where KLM employees are able to experience flexible and customizable environments, disconnection between colleagues and locations is reduced, and plant health benefits in the office are promoted. The final design solution (Ailo) is a physical structure that can be installed in the ceiling of any work place. It has mulitple functions and can be used as a room separator, a ceiling piece or as a table for a break or casual business meeting. Ailo makes any space flexible and fits user needs. 

We made a video of our whole process and how we made Ailo:

Reframe your space with Ailo


Prototypes ready for liftoff in 3… 2…

So by now we have already finished our 2nd sprint and are now going head first into our 3rd sprint. Now I would like to talk about what we have been doing so far: We gained access to KLM Headquarters for 4 straight days! This was very helpful since that’s where our end user, the employees of KLM, is located. Big plans were made and the entire group was ambitious, as always.

We aimed to make the employees feel more connected to KLM, and we did that by testing ideas to see which one works the best.

This sprint, we tested 4 prototypes that were based on the idea that data can be used to make you feel more connected to the work you do at KLM. Even though the prototypes looked funny, people were very much interested in our ideas and gave us valuable feedback.



We also conducted 9 qualitative interviews with employees from KLM by using the Visual Ideation Toolkit (VIT). People were really excited and motivated to share their experiences in such a visual and interactive way.IMG_1768IMG_1764


We had been trying to get access to KLM’s HQ since the beginning of this project, and now we had it.

The whole group really liked the concept of making prototypes to facilitate a conversation or test ideas. So this sprint was a massive boost for our process and for our research.

As you might have noticed, we now have a lot of data that needs to be processed. For now we will be secluded at MediaLAB, where we will analyze all of the findings that we gained and make sense of it. So long!

End of Sprint 1

After a hectic first month, our first design sprint is complete! We’ve made a lot of progress since our last update, and so here is a summary of what we got up to:

Our Goal

Sillouettes of two people - one male, one female - with question marks for faces.

Who is our user? What do they want?

The goal of our first sprint was mainly to gather information about our problem environment.

The first part of this was to try to determine who our target audience is. Given our work assignment (the “Winning Way of Working”) and employers (an airline company), we identified a number of potential targets within KLM:

  • Office workers;
  • Ground crew (engineers, controllers…);
  • Flight crew (pilots, attendants…).

Our other sprint goal was to find the specific problem that needed solving. Again, using what we knew of the company, we came up with a number of interpretations of the issue:

  • Work style, office culture;
  • Work space and environment;
  • Being overworked, and a work/life imbalance;
  • or a general lack of job benefits and non-monetary incentives.

In order to better find out about the problem we need to solve, we took these hypotheses and decided to put them to the test. But first, we needed a way to test them.

Our Plan

A man looks at a 3D model on a computer screen, on a computer connected to a 3D printer.

Team Coder and “Sexiest Man Alive” title holder Jim Joyce, seen here preparing a model for 3D printing.

As part of the MediaLAB’s series of workshops, one of the first activities we conducted was to develop some methods we could use to gather data about our problem. We worked in the MakersLAB for three days to create two prototypes that could give us the results we needed:

The bad/good prototype; it is a wooden board with 25 plastic pegs arranged in a 5*5 grid. Rows are used to represent topics; columns are used to assign a score. Two threads lead between the pegs, representing answers.

The Bad/Good research tool, with two responses being filled.

Bad/Good, a research tool used to gather opinions on a broad range of topics relating to people’s experiences in the workplace. It assesses people’s opinions on 5 key topics, by asking them to rate them on a 5-point scale. Respondents use a length of string to choose their answers, and in this way, the tool gathers and visualises data at the same time.

Focus on a part of the Visual Ideation Toolkit; some abstact shapes, folded from cardboard, are arranged in a small pile, on top of a sheet of paper used as a base. Some text is visible on the corner of the sheet.

Part of the Visual Ideation Toolkit.

Visual Ideation Toolkit (VIT), which is designed to help stimulate a discussion with respondents in order to gather detailed information about people’s experiences; while Bad/Good gathers quantitative data, VIT gathers a wealth of qualitative data. Respondents are asked to use the provided tools – pens, paper, and cardboard shapes – to tell a visual story about their work environment and their experiences within it.

Field Research

In order to better understand our problem environment, we organised two pieces of field research.

A group of people, wearing high-visibility jackets with the KLM logo, walking though a narrow, dimly-lit tunnel.

Members of Team KLM touring the tunnels underneath Schiphol Airport. This area is for workers on the luggage reclaim belts.

First we visited the KLM offices at Schiphol Airport, and went on a tour, both of the customer-facing side (“over the wing”, as the airport staff refer to it), and of the operations behind the scenes (“under the wing”). We made a wide variety of observations relating our hypothesis that the main problem was the working environment. Although the customer-facing side of the airport was very open, with lots of natural light and space, the employee offices felt very dark and gloomy, and some areas were located underground. Despite this, we also noted high morale and a strong sense of camaraderie among the workers, and saw clear evidence of KLM’s efforts to promote a better working environment and their commitment to their employees.

One issue that was frequently mentioned by workers and also by Walter, was the lack of a feeling of connection between the workers in other locations – such as the offices in Amstelveen – with the “front of the house”, or the actual flight operations. People working in the airport itself get to experience the sight of planes taking off every day, and so can directly see how their work impacts the company, but this is not true for all.

Three people playing an arcade game.

Three members of Team KLM conducting “research”.

We also visited the TonTon arcade and bar, located in Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam. We conducted research relating to gamification, creating interactive experiences and the engineering of pleasant spaces. We also visited to gain inspiration for potential ideas about creating an interactive installation or similar solution to target the issue of workers feeling disconnected from the end result of their work, as noted in the KLM tour.

Plan B

We had planned to conduct interviews of KLM employees using our two prototypes. However, we had extensive difficulties sourcing participants for our interviews; we had very free contacts at KLM, and so had trouble finding employees who were able to attend our interviews.

One question from our survey, about work/life balance.

One question from our survey, about work/life balance.

However, we found another way; in lieu of gathering information about KLM employees specifically, we opted instead to conduct research into workers in general. We created an online survey, modelled after our Bad/Good prototype, and used our own contacts to find participants. We received 46 responses in total, and managed to gather a large amount of information about issues that people find in the workplace.

The "done" section of our Scrumboard, showing the tasks we have completed during the first sprint.

The “done” section of our Scrumboard, showing the tasks we have completed during the first sprint.


At the end of our sprint, we visited the KLM offices in Amstelveen to present our findings. Our stakeholder, Walter, was very impressed with our methods, but re-emphasised the issue of their workers not feeling engaged with the end result of their efforts.


A Team of Creators Transforming Ideas into Realities

We are all Creators.

Meet the TeamTeamBlogOrigins

Blog Focus: This blog will follow one interdisciplinary team’s creative processes, creations, and methods over a five month period. This will be done in two ways: (1) project updates and (2) team member interviews. For more details on what this means and when posts will be made, please see below.

(1) Project Updates:
Updates about project statuses and processes will be posted here as routinely as possible. These will include perspectives, methods, designs, research, and photos of the team at each stage of development: brainstorming, organizing, rapid prototyping, tinkering, testing, presenting, and more.

(2) Team Member Interviews: The sketches, featured in this post, depict all of the group members, their team positions, and countries of origin. In order to get to know each diverse member of the team, one person will be featured on the blog every two weeks. These features will include at least one (real) photo, an interview, and some fun facts & perspectives of the team member.

The first feature will provide insight into one of the team designers: Suzanne. So, tune in next week to learn more!

Blog Goal: The goal of this blog is to include you; readers, creators, writers, coders, designers, researchers, artists, and what-have-you, in the team’s transformative journey. The team strongly believes that design and creativity are most effective when they are shared and by sharing their works, they hope to inspire other creators to do the same.

Research and Design Methodologies: The central method that this team will use is based on SCRUM. Put breifly, SCRUM is framework for organizing and communicating team projects. It is an iterative and incremental process for the design and development of products and services, and it has a very specific way of organizing a team. Tasks are achieved faster and with higher quality when SCRUM is implemented (especially in comparison to the waterfall model). SCRUM promotes self-motivation in team projects. This is due to the flexibilities that SCRUM allows all team members, who are able to make decisions about how tasks will be executed. Through SCRUM, project goals (or demands) are prioritized iteratively and realized quickly. This strategy eliminates creator and company fear of failure and promotes trial and failure over ‘playing it safe.’

The flow of the design process is embedded in a sprint-based schedule. This schedule is supported by SCRUM roles, rituals, sessions and artifacts.

Throughout the process, the team will implement a variation of SCRUM, which has been adapted to include a ‘translation’ stage, a team perspective, and other always-evolving elements. At MediaLAB Amsterdam, this framework has been renamed: “SCREAM!“.

The research methods of this project will be determined and implemented using the MediaLAB Design Method Toolkit.

Team Project: The team is working with KLM to develop a concept of “The Winning Way of Working.” In order to do so, the team will co-create prototypes and services to promote a work environment where all KLM employees experience fulfilling, meaningful, and purposeful work on a daily basis.

The team will build onto previous projects, such as: Moving your World, KLM’s digital transformation, and its real estate vision. KLM aims to do more with less and the team is motivated to combine these key elements in each design stage, prototype development, research, and ideation.

Each group member will bring his/her own passions and interests into the project and process, in order to to develop a tangible solution and concept of “The Winning Way of Working”. Listed below, you can find a brief summary of each of the team members’ interests. The lists include passions and research interests that each group member believes to be relatable to the project.

  • Jim: gaming, the Internet of things, electronics design, privacy & security, and Ruby & Python (coding)
  • Suzanne: The psychology of feeling happy and valuable, smart buildings, new technologies, and ‘Het Nieuwe Werken’
  • Seb: future foods, gaming (Virtual Reality), new ways to digitally socialize, off-grid living, and the social impact of music
  • Kei: gaming (Augmented Reality), (digital) live performance technology, and hologram concert technology
  • Mack: location-based mobile gaming, Augmented Reality, personalization technology/smart technology, socialization, emotions, and art

To Conclude: Thank you for reading along, the team appreciates your interest and hopes to see your work somewhere public soon! Come by next week for some interesting features on Suzanne (designer), the group process and prototypes that have been created so far, team perspectives on those creations, the methods used and more!