MediaLAB Amsterdam is now the Digital Society School! You are viewing an archive of MediaLAB projects. Content on this website may be outdated, and is without guarantee.


Research, Media Literacy, Elementary Education, Serious Games


Kuba Vohnik (CZ)
Sandro Miccoli (BR)
Jay Huliselan (NL)



MediaLAB – Week 3 – Research research research!

This was the first week of the Research phase of the project, on this stage we will work on understanding our user, his behaviour and his needs.

After the Design Research workshop with Charlie Mulholland we started working on our design brief; in this document we define the main problem we’re working on, our main goals, the main stakeholders of the project, some research findings and a detailed requirement list. We will use this document as an input on the concept phase. Next month this is going be used by Charlie on his next workshop.

Oriented by Marco van Hout we began to create our Research Questions, they will guide us through the next phases and will give us more focus on our research. The main question so far is “How can we design an educational interactive concept for kids to enhance their news literacy?”.

Marco also gave a User Research workshop which gave us good ideas of how to approach our main problem and how to understand the people involved in it. We learned some new techniques like bodystorming and each group presented their ideas to everyone. Each of us played a roll in our concept: Kuba represented the user that creates the news, Jay was the medium that received and shared the content and I symbolised the user that received the news and could give some kind of feedback.


On this workshop we presented our research questions and got great insights from Marco and the other teams. This is a video made by our friend Shin of us presenting our ideas:

Now the Research Phase has officially started! We are very excited about everything we’ll discover in the next weeks!

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