MediaLAB Amsterdam is now the Digital Society School! You are viewing an archive of MediaLAB projects. Content on this website may be outdated, and is without guarantee.

James Joyce (UK)

I am a 21-year-old tea-obsessed computer scientist from the University of Salford. I love programming, gaming, cycling, and exploring the world. I’ll be working as the coder for team KLM, and I look forward to working with my great team!

Kazumitsu Yoshida (JP)

I am a branding designer and a nursery teacher. I have worked at Ad agency for 19years as a creative director. I am curious about a design thinking and  education for children. In a near future I would like to provide the service design and integrated solution for make a better communication ,market and branding through these experiences.

Grace Houghton (AU)

I am an Australian designer researching the effectiveness UX and design principles in creating civic engagement. I am completing a Masters of Interaction Design and I hope to use the methods I have learnt there and at MediaLab to design experiences that make people feel happy, safe and in control of their environment.